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Indonesian to English
bersiul whistle
bersiul memanggilwhistle for


? Mungkin bersiul sebuah nada? ?
? Maybe whistling a tune ?
mengapa dia bersiul?
why is he whistling?
Sebenarnya, saya bersiul sejak usia empat tahun -- sekitar empat tahun.
Well actually, I've [been] whistling since the age of four, about four.
Ayah saya selalu bersiul di sekitar rumah,
My dad was always whistling around the house,
Jadi saya bersiul bersama ayah saya.
So I whistled along with him.
Saya bersiul sendiri, saya bersiul di dalam kelas,
I whistled alone. I whistled in the classroom.
saya bersiul saat bersepeda, saya bersiul di mana saja.
I whistled on [my] bike. I whistled everywhere.
Saya juga bersiul di pesta malam Natal
And I also whistled at a Christmas Eve party
meminta saya beberapa kali, "Berhentilah bersiul."
asked me a few times, "Please stop whistling."
suatu saat saya berkata, "Jika ada lomba bersiul, saya akan ikut."
at one point I said, "If there was a contest, I would join."
dan menemukan kejuaraan bersiul dunia
and she found this World Whistling Championship
dan saya masuk ke dunia bersiul.
and I entered the world of whistling.
dan saya berbicara tentang bersiul.
and I'm talking about whistling.
Dan sebenarnya saya mencari uang dengan bersiul saat ini.
And actually I earn my money whistling at the moment.
Baik, bukan hanya saya saja yang bersiul di sini.
Okay, I'm not the only one whistling here.
Sebenarnya, Anda akan bersiul bersama dengan saya.
Well actually, you are going to whistle along.
Max Westerman: Geert Chatrou, sang juara dunia bersiul.
Max Westerman: Geert Chatrou, the World Champion [of] Whistling.