Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
bintik-bintik fleck
bintik-bintik pada pakaianpolka dots


dan bintik-bintik pada tubuh mereka.
and those spots on their body.
dengan bintik-bintik jingga itu?
with the pink polka dots?
untuk mencari "bintik-bintik harapan" di laut,
to search out hope spots,
bintik-bintik harapan laut yang besarnya mampu menjaga dan memulihkan samudra,
hope spots large enough to save and restore the ocean,
yang saya harap dapat dipakai di "bintik-bintik harapan"-nya Sylvia
that I hope can be used on Sylvia's "hope spots"
bioluminesens di daerah "bintik-bintik harapan" ini
the bioluminescence in these "hope spots."
dan di sebelah kiri ada daun tomat dengan bintik-bintik kecil ini,
and on the left a tomato leaf with these little stipplings.
"bintik-bintik harapan," beliau namakan.
"hope spots," she calls them.
sehingga harapan saya ialah "bintik-bintik harapan" ini
And it's my hope that some of these "hope spots"
melindungi "bintik-bintik harapan" di dasar lautan kita.
some of these "hope spots" in the deep sea.