Indonesian to English
bioskop drive-in | drive-in theatre |
Contohdi semua bioskop, video rumahan, dan video berbayar meningkat. across theaters, home video and pay-per-view are up.
Dimulai dengan "Cinematch" (Bioskop), dan beberapa yang lain. They started with Cinematch, and they've tried a bunch of others --
atau pergi ke bioskop. or going to the movies.
atau pengganggu yang berbicara keras di dalam bioskop. or a talking plaque in a movie theater lobby.
film yang kita lihat di bioskop, atau berita yang kita tonton di TV. as the films we see in theatres, or the news we watch on TV.
setiap kali Anda pergi ke gedung olahraga dibandingkan bioskop, every time you go to the gym instead of going to the movies,
namun dipertontonkankan di bioskop but it was shown in drive-in theaters
ada dalam bioskop dan teater, was the cinema or the theater.
yang sering pergi ke bioskop, mengerti hal ini. that used to go in the cinema get this.
yang tidak pernah ke bioskop atau teater that have never seen a movie or been to the theater
bioskop, tukang jahit, dan sebagainya di sana. movie theaters, tailors, everything is there.
gedung bioskop seperti itu, movie theater like that,
tidak ada bioskop, toko buku. there's no movie theater, there's no bookstore.
Pergi nonton bioskop, kami pulang lebih awal, We went to a movie, we left early,
Dan tentu saja, bioskop pribadi saya. And of course, my own movie theater.
kita lebih mungkin meninggalkan bioskop itu we are more likely to walk out of that theater
Bayangkan dunia tanpa bioskop, tanpa seni, Imagine a world without theater, without the arts,
"Budaya abad 20 didefinisikan oleh bioskop, the 20th century culture was defined by the cinema,