Indonesian to English
bohong dengan maksud baik | a white lie |
bohong sama sekali | a lie out of whole cloth |
bohong untuk hal baik | white lie |
Contohkarena khawatir dianggap berita bohong, pada dasarnya. because they were afraid that people would think it was a hoax, basically.
hal ini bohong. that is a lie.
Salah satu contohnya adalah, " kadang - kadang bohong itu perlu" A typical example being, "Sometimes it is necessary to tell lies."
kira-kira 10 foto per fotografer, itu bohong. approximately ten photos per photographer, is a lie.
Dan saya bohong. And I lied.
Beliau bilang semua yang tidak menggunakan statistik asli adalah bohong belaka -- he said anything that's not using real stats is a lie --