Indonesian to English
bulan pertama | first month |
ContohDalam beberapa bulan pertama, hanya saya dan Eric For the first few months, it was just Eric and I
terjadi pada 6 bulan pertama. Otak berkembang in the first six months. The brain develops
Belakangan ini kami melakukan evaluasi untuk 18 bulan pertama usaha kami di Rwanda. Recently we did an evaluation of the first 18 months of our efforts in Rwanda.
Dalam 18 bulan pertama, hal-hal berikut terjadi: Within the first 18 months, the following things happened:
Kami mencapai satu juta hits selama bulan pertama We had a million hits in the first month
dua bulan pertama, yang sangat kami fokuskan, the first two years that we really focused on,
dalam bulan-bulan pertama, mungkin tahun pertama in the early months, maybe their first year,
di bulan-bulan pertama kehidupan semua anak kami, in the first few months of all of our children's lives,
AV: Jadi Anda dapat membayangkan, bulan-bulan pertama sangat sulit AV: So you can imagine, I mean again, the first few months were difficult,
bila mereka disusui selama 6 bulan pertama hidupnya. if there was breastfeeding in the first six months of life.
selama 6 bulan pertama hidup mereka. for the first six months of life, exclusively.
Alasannya adalah karena pada bulan pertama kehidupan bayi, The reason is because in the first month of a baby's life,