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Indonesian to English
busa foam, scum, suds, gasp, blow
busa kacaglass foam
busa pemadam apifoam extinguisher
busana makan malam setengah resmidinner jacket
busarsee BUSUR 1.


Anda tidak bisa belajar berenang di atas kasur busa dan masuk ke dalam air
You cannot learn swimming on a foam mattress and enter into water.
dan menyaksikan busa keluar dari mulut mereka saat sekarat.
and watched foam come from their mouths as they died.
Ada dua busa di tangannya, lalu ada dua lagi
She had two sponges in her hand, and then she had two
Busa semprot adalah insulasi yang baik dan menutup semua retakan,
Now, spray foam is an excellent insulator -- it fills in all the cracks --
adalah dinding yang mengelilingi jaringan busa
was that the wall surrounded these spongy tissues,
dan jaringan busa ini terisi darah
and the spongy tissues filled with blood
seperti logam yang tersisa, karpet, busa, karet,
such as the metals they missed, carpeting, foam, rubber,
Tom tahu bahwa sedikit busa pada helm itu
And Tom knows that that little bit of foam in a bike helmet