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Indonesian to English
cakrawala firmament, heavens, sky


membuka cakrawala baru,
opens up completely new avenues,
Transition telah memperluas cakrawala kita
The Transition simultaneously expands our horizons
cakrawala yang luas dan kosong.
the vast and empty horizon.
bisa berarti meruntuhkan cakrawala,
can so easily mean collapsing the horizons,
cakrawala yang luas
the vast horizon
Ada bulan baru di cakrawala.
There's a new moon on the horizon.
Matahari muncul dari cakrawala. Fajar.
The sun is coming up above the horizon. Sunrise.
Bagian utama dalam perjalanan ini? Lihatlah pada cakrawala.
The punchline to your journey? Look at the horizon.
Ketika cakrawala waktu tampak jauh dan samar-samar,
When time horizons are long and nebulous,
cakrawala waktu kita memendek
our time horizons grow shorter
dikelilingi oleh cakrawala.
surrounded by a horizon.
Anda memandang ke cakrawala
You stare out at a horizon
hanya dalam cakrawala itu, tidak lebih,
which on the horizon is not beyond that,
Cakrawala datar yang kita berevolusi dengannya
The flat horizon that we've evolved with
dan telah melihat cakrawala
and had seen the horizon
Kepingan hijau di cakrawala itu
It's that little green sliver on the horizon,
karena senja hari matahari tenggelam di cakrawala.
because at sunset it disappears below the horizon.
Namun matahari berada di garis cakrawala di sini
But the sun is at the horizon over here
dan kita tahu saat matahari ada di cakrawala,
and we know that when the sun is at the horizon,