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Indonesian to English
curian stolen goods


satu setengah juta dolar barang curian di dalam sakunya.
a million and a half bucks-worth of stolen goods in his pocket.
media curian.
of stolen media.
untuk menjual dan membeli informasi kartu kredit curian,
to buy and sell stolen credit card details,
Misalnya penjual memiliki informasi kartu kredit curian;
The vendor, say, had stolen credit card details;
kemudian penjual menjual informasi kartu kredit curian.
and the vendor would sell the stolen credit card details.
apakah kartu kredit curian tersebut berhasil.
if the stolen credit card worked.
pastikan hewan peliharaan Anda bukan hewan curian.
make sure your pet is from a legal breeder.
untuk membeli karya Vermeer curian;
to buy the stolen Vermeer;
dari bahan-bahan curian di gudang,
from stolen scraps from the warehouse,