Indonesian to English
desa | village |
desa tepi danau | lake-village |
desah | 1 sound of wheezing or huffing. 2 swishing (of leaves, etc.). 3 sigh. |
desain aplikasi | application design |
desak | crowd, jostle |
desak-desakan | shuffle |
desak-desakan yang kacau | mad scramble |
desakan | push, shove, pressure, request |
desakan emosi | nervous agitation |
desakan tanah aktif | active earth pressure |
desakan upah | wage push |
desakan/permintaan tegas | insistence |
desapraja | see DESA. |
desar | sound of sizzling or hissing. |
desas desus | hearsay |
desas desus/slentingan | rumor |
desas-desus | rumor |
desau | sound of soft rustling. |
ContohDi sebuah desa lain di selatan India, In another South Indian village,
tinggal di desa-desa pesisir sebagai nelayan either lived in coastal villages, fishing,
Ini di Rajasthan, sebuah desa pelosok. This is in Rajasthan, a rural village.
menghubungkan masyarakat di London dengan para petani di desa. connecting communities in London to rural growers.
dari sebuah desa yang sangat kecil di Kanada, in a very small village in Canada,
bahwa saya adalah anak di desa itu that I was the little kid in the village
dan di desa-desa kecil. and in small villages.
dan berkata, "Anda berasal dari desa mana di New Hampshire?" and says, "What village are you from in New Hampshire?"
Kemudian ia menggambarkan rumah yang dimilikinya di desa mereka. And then he describes the home he owned in their village.
dia bisa menjadi -- penduduk desa itu -- he'll become -- these villagers --
mereka miskin, mereka orang desa they are poor, they are rural
Akhirnya, mereka menempatkannya di pinggir desa di sebuah gubuk. So finally, they put her at the edge of the village in a hut.
dia tahu jika dia bisa pergi ke sebuah desa di dekatnya di mana ada misionaris asing she knew if she could get to a nearby village where there was a foreign missionary,
Dia tinggal di sebuah desa kecil di luar Lahore, Pakistan. She lives in a small village outside Lahore, Pakistan.
Tak lama kemudian, 30 perempuan di desa tersebut Pretty soon she had 30 women in the village
dari desa ke pasar, from the village to the marketplace,
kami berjalan-jalan ke suatu tempat dengan kepala desa -- we were touring a place with the village chief --
Dia tinggal di sebuah desa kecil di Somalia Selatan. He lives in a small village in southern Somalia.
Sebuah desa dekat Mogadishu. His village is near Mogadishu.
Kekeringan menjadikan desa tersebut sangat miskin Drought drives the small village into poverty
hingga penduduk desa menderita kelaparan. and to the brink of starvation.
Bocah desa dengan cita-cita besar di kota itu That small town kid with the big city dreams
Jadi, bagaimana kisah tentang seorang bocah desa So how does the story of a small town kid
dari rata-rata penduduk desa, of the average suburban dweller,
terutama karena penduduk desa lebih banyak mengemudi mostly because suburbanites drive a lot more,
menjadi desa Inggris Baru into a compact,
di desa Hyattsville. in the village of Hyattsville.
Saya bertemu seorang pemuda dari desa kami I met a young gentleman from our village
Dia pakai sepatu karet disini di desa They were sneakers, and this is in a village
Bukankah ada suamimu menunggu di desa? Don't you have a husband waiting for you?"
Semua pria yang sama tuanya dengan ayah saya di desa tersebut, Everybody who is my dad's age, male in the community,
Tapi saya tidak bisa kesana tanpa restu dari desa and I couldn't come without the support of the village,
Dan saya butuh sokongan dari desa. But I needed the support of the village,
Dan di desa itu juga, saat para lelaki di sana mendengar, and here again, when the men heard,
Ada seorang tua, kepala desa, And in the village also, there is one chief, an elder,
Semua orang di desa, wanita dan pria, sepakat The village, the women, the men, everybody came together
seluruh desa, dan para ibu. Saya berkata, to the village, and mothers, and I said,
Jadi saya bilang, "Ada beberapa pria dari desa saya And I said, "Well, there are a couple of men from my village
satu desa, satu negara -- satu per satu dari mereka, one village, one country at a time.
Saya lahir di desa kecil bernama Gando. I was born in a little village called Gando.
jauh sekali dari desa saya far away from my village
Masih tidak ada listrik di desa saya. There is still no electricity in my village.
orang-orang di desa saya sangat gembira, my people were over the moon,
Orang-orang di desa saya sudah lama membangun dengan tanah liat, My people build all the time with clay,
semua orang di desa, everybody from the village,
ia harus meninggalkan desa you have to leave the country
Tapi sekarang mereka bisa tinggal di desa But now they can stay in the country
ke sebuah desa ukuran menengah di Afrika, to a mid-sized village in Africa,
hidupnya di desa sangat normal dan mereka tidak kelaparan, she had a very normal life in her village and they didn't go hungry,
Ini sekelompok anak di sebuah desa di Pakistan Here's a group of kids in a village in Pakistan