Indonesian to English
di sana | on there |
ContohJika ada uang di sana, mereka menyimpan semuanya. If there's money on the table, they keep it all.
dengan karakter Bahasa Cina yang tertera di sana." with the Chinese character on them."
adalah tidak ada satu orangpun yang wajib berada di sana -- was that not one of them had to be there --
namun mereka ada di sana. yet they were.
Jadi bagi beberapa dari kami yang ada di sana karena profesi, So for the few of us that were there in a professional capacity,
karena mereka tahu jika minyak itu sampai di sana, because they knew if the oil hit,
dan melepaskannya ke air bersih di sana and release them into the clean waters there
Namun ada hal lain yang juga harus ada di sana. There is something more though that has to be there.
Sampai di sana, roti itu sudah tidak ada. He goes in there, and it's not there.
Saya belaja untuk selalu di sana. I learned to be always there.
Mereka dapat menghancurkan benda kecil di sana They could have destroyed this little thing right here
Kami di sana untuk menyatakan kebanggaan We are there to take pride
Benda aneh di sana adalah pusat pengolah data, chipnya. This monstrosity over here is the CPU, the chip, if you like.
yaitu kartu pons. Benda di sana which is punch cards. This thing over here
yang duduk di sana -- Anda dapat melihatnya -- that is sitting there — you can go see it —
Adipati Wellington ada di sana juga, The Duke of Wellington is there, you know,
dan hingga Cassini tiba di sana, and, until Cassini had arrived there,
Dan masih ada bulan lain di sana -- And yet another moon there --
Hewan ini pergi ke sisi kanan dan menaruh hidungnya di sana, This animal's going to go to the right-hand side and poke his nose there,
Hewan itu mendengat sebuah nada -- dan kilatan cahaya itu terjadi di sana. And the animal's going to hear a tone -- and a flash of light occurred there.
untuk memotivasi tikus itu bergerak, bila tidak dia akan diam saja di sana. to motivate the mouse to move, or he'll just sit there.
Saya ada di sana waktu itu. Hari itu merupakan hari yang sangat mengharukan dan menggairahkan. I was there. It was the most emotional, exciting day.
Kita pikir bahwa bilangan itu mungkin ada di sana, We thought it might be there,
Dan kita meletakkan telur di sana. And we lay our eggs there,
tidak ada ikan di sana. there are no fish in that picture.
sehingga Anda tidak dapat menaruh ikan kecil itu di sana. that you couldn't put any of those small fish up on it.
namun, saat ganggang itu di sana, itulah monster dari neraka but, as it stands, it's the monster from hell,
Dan orang-orang yang tersisa di sana And the only people who are left there
Lorong Barat Laut itu ada di sana. Well, the Northwest Passage is already there.
telah meranggas dan berdiri dengan telanjang di sana. have dropped their leaves and are standing there naked.
Anda sudah pasti tidak ingin makan ikan yang berkembang di sana Then you sure won't want to eat fish that were raised in it,
Di sana kami tinggal bersama orang Inuit. There we lived with the Inuit
Jadi saya duduk di sana selama dua bulan So I had two months to sit there
Setelah dua bulan duduk di sana -- And after two months of sitting there --
? Kau adalah bagian kehidupan di sana ? ? You're part of the life there ?
Ikan kod ada di sana And the cod are there
dan saya hanya diam di sana memotret. and I'm just sitting there shooting away.
di sana, di tengah-tengah lingkaran lalu lintas. out there in the middle of the traffic circle.
Di sana, untuk pertama kalinya saya menemukan tradisi agama lain: And there, for the first time, I encountered the other religious traditions:
ada sebuah papan percobaan di sana. but there's a work surface there.
Mesin ini tampak lebih baik daripada mesin yang baru -- jadi terlihat bagus di sana. It actually looks better than a brand new one -- so looking good there.
Ada beberapa tempat cacing juga di sana. A couple of wormeries in there too.
Saya tidak tahu ada berapa banyak cacing di sana I don't know how many worms [were] in there,
mengalirkannya melalui batu-batu ini -- ini akan menjadi gundukan di sana -- runs it through these stone beds -- this is going to be mint in there --
Ini sangatlah luar biasa, sesuatu yang luar biasa telah terjadi di sana It's really a remarkable, awesome thing that happens there.
Dan saya berpikir ada beberapa pertanyaan yang saya lontarkan di sana And I think there's some sub-questions there that I put there.
Di sana, sebenarnya, terdapat banyak korelasi mengenai kedua bentuk musik. There are, in fact, a lot of correlations between the two forms of music
CL: Baik. Saya akan menghentikannya di sana. Jadi apa yang kita lihat dalam otaknya? CL: Okay. So I'm going to stop that there. So what do we see in his brain?
dan saya berpikir, melalui metode ini, kita semakin dekat di sana. and I think, with these methods, we're getting close to being there.
Di sana saya bertemu istri saya yang mengagumkan, Cynthia, and there I met my incredible wife, Cynthia,