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Indonesian to English
di seluruh through all
diin, at, on
seluruhentire, whole


telah melakukan tes ini di seluruh dunia
had run this test around the world,
di seluruh dunia.
of African penguins.
Maka, keadilan harus ada di seluruh dunia.
Therefore, there should be justice throughout the world.
perasaan bahwa kitalah orang terpenting di seluruh dunia,
our feeling that we are the most important people in the whole entire world,
Di seluruh dunia,
You know that all over the world,
dan menjadi judul berita di seluruh dunia.
and it made headlines around the world.
Saya pernah bertemu perempuan dan laki-laki di seluruh planet ini,
I've met women and men all over this planet,
tetapi di seluruh Afrika.
but all of Africa.
di seluruh dunia dan bahkan di Amerika Serikat.
around the world and even in the United States.
di seluruh dunia, dan gratis.
in the world for free.
di seluruh dunia, di dalam dan di luar.
across the world, inside and outside.
dengan parade pita-telegram di setiap kota di seluruh Amerika dan Eropa,
with ticker tape parades in every city across the U.S. and Europe,
dan memasangnya di seluruh bagian sel,
and install them all over the cell,
dan lalu memberikan kilatan cahaya biru di seluruh jaringan otak,
and then flash blue light over the entire brain network,
Kami sekarang meneliti makhluk hidup di seluruh pohon kehidupan --
And we've now surveyed organisms from all over the tree of life --
Seperti memasang sel surya di seluruh neuron itu
just like installing solar cells all over those neurons
tapi kami membagikannya dengan gratis pada ratusan kelompok di seluruh dunia,
but we share them freely with hundreds of groups all over the world,
sebagai bagian dari networking perburuan bilangan prima melalui komputer di seluruh dunia
as part of a networked computer hunt around the world
yang terbentang di seluruh semesta
stretching throughout the universe,
yang terbentuk di seluruh dunia.
that are forming all over the globe.
terumbu karang di seluruh dunia.
the coral reefs worldwide.
hingga spesies yang ada di seluruh dunia,
to species that were all around the world,
di seluruh dunia.
on all of the earth
Anda melihat di seluruh
You're looking at the entire
di kota-kota di seluruh dunia.
in cities around the world.
Orang-orang pun mulai menggunakan produk ini di seluruh dunia.
leading to people hopefully using these products across the world.
Saya ingin melihat piagam ini di tiap kampus, gereja, masjid, sinagog, di seluruh dunia,
I'd like to see it in every college, every church, every mosque, every synagogue in the world,
Saya juga banyak meneliti tentang busur panah di seluruh dunia.
I also researched extensively on bows around the world.
dan membangun 50 sekolah hijau lain di seluruh dunia.
and building the next 50 around the world,
adalah kami tahu bahwa di seluruh dunia,
was that we knew that all over the world,
Jika anda memiliki ruangan seperti ini di seluruh dunia,
If you had spaces like this all over the world,
dan di seluruh dunia,
and around the world,
dikenal sebagai W3C, telah mengembangkan standar di seluruh dunia
known as W3C, has developed worldwide standards
dan untuk orang buta di seluruh dunia.
and for blind people throughout the world.
dengan menyimpan pola tembakan di seluruh sel tempatan Anda
by storing the pattern of firing across all of your place cells
yang terletak di seluruh lingkungan itu
which are laid out across the environment
setiap sel memiliki pola tembakan menyerupai kisi di seluruh lingkungan itu
each one has a grid-like firing pattern across the environment,
di seluruh lingkungannya --
across its environment --
di seluruh otak,
throughout the whole brain,
di seluruh dunia karena jenis kelamin mereka.
face around the world because of their gender.
daripada jumlah orang yang terbunuh di seluruh medan perang
than all the people killed on all the battlefields
dibandingkan anak laki-laki, di seluruh India.
than boys, in all of India.
Di seluruh dunia,
Around the world,
di kota-kota padat di seluruh pelosok dunia.
in urban centers around the world.
di seluruh daerah pinggiran
especially retail, sites
di kios majalah di seluruh Jerman.
on newsstands throughout Germany.
di seluruh Amerika.
in America across the pond.
tersebar di seluruh dunia.
distributed across the world?"
kami dapat mulai menerapkannya di seluruh dunia.
we can begin to apply them elsewhere in the world.
dengan orang-orang di seluruh dunia,
to people around the world,