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Indonesian to English
di in, at, on
di (dalam)in
di . yang lainin otherxxx
di akhir-akhir iniin recent times
di ambang kematianat death's door
di ambang pintuat the door
di angkasaof the air
di antaraamid
di antara banyakamong many
di antara barisinterlinear
di antara jenis-jenisamong types
di antara kamuamong you
di antara kitaamong us
di antara merekawithin them
di antaranyaamong other things
di atasabove
di atas airabove the waters
di atas bukiton the hill of
di atas bukit-bukiton the hills of
di atas bumion earth
di atas kereta apion the train


"Paul, ini ide terburuk di dunia.
"Paul, that is the world's stupidist idea.
di otak dan juga di dalam darah
both in the brain and in the blood,
Di negara-negara ini, ada lebih banyak transaksi ekonomi
So in these countries, more economic transactions occur
dan mengirimkannya kepada orang lain di lab ini?"
and ship it to someone else in the lab?"
Di sini Anda tidak dapat melihat
The trick is you can't see them,
Anda duduk di kursi itu selama satu setengah jam.
You're going to sit on these hard chairs for an hour and a half.
telah melakukan tes ini di seluruh dunia
had run this test around the world,
Jadi bersama dengan seorang rekan di Zurich,
So along with colleagues in Zurich,
di mana orang-orang menonton video
where we had people watch a video
menulis buku di tahun 1759
wrote a book in 1759
Saya baru saja menemukan molekul di baliknya.
I just found the molecule behind it.
Saya bekerja di pompa bensin
I'm working at a gas station
di pinggiran Santa Barbara, California.
on the outskirts of Santa Barbara, California.
Jika Anda duduk di pompa bensin seharian,
You sit in a gas station all day,
Dia membuka dan menunjukkan kalung mutiara di dalamnya.
Opens it up and there's a pearl necklace inside.
di toilet pria. Menurutmu ini harus diapakan?"
I just found this. What do you think we should do with it?"
Saya ada wawancara kerja di Galena 15 menit lagi,
I have this job interview in Galena in 15 minutes,
Saya masih di SMA. Saya tidak tahu.
I'm in high school. I have no idea.
Jika ada uang di sana, mereka menyimpan semuanya.
If there's money on the table, they keep it all.
Ada kata teknis bagi orang-orang semacam itu di lab saya.
So there's a technical word for these people in my lab.
Kini, pikirkanlah. Ini berarti, di dalam biologi kita
Now think about this. It means, within our own biology,
Semuanya ada di dalam diri kita.
It's all inside of us.
ini adalah percobaan di lab yang bagus,
these are beautiful laboratory experiments,
Jadi musim panas lalu, saya menghadiri pernikahan di Inggris bagian Selatan.
So last summer, I attended a wedding in Southern England.
Ada 200 orang di dalam rumah Victoria yang indah ini.
200 people in this beautiful Victorian mansion.
Siapa yang ada di pusat dari tata surya penikahan?
Who is the center of the wedding solar system?
berjajar di sekitar pengantin wanita
arrayed around the bride
Banyak orang berkicau di Twitter sekarang.
Many people are Tweeting right now.
di mana reporter dan produsernya ikut serta.
And they had the reporters and their producers participate.
di mana saya pergi ke dataran tinggi --
where I went up to the highlands --
Ada 800 bahasa berbeda di dataran tinggi.
There are 800 different languages in the highlands.
Ini adalah orang-orang paling primitif di dunia.
These are the most primitive people in the world.
Saya senang berbagi sedikit cinta di dunia,
I'm happy to share a little more love in the world,
ketika saya adalah seorang dokter di Universitas Chicago.
when I was a hospice doctor at the University of Chicago.
di bagian selatan di Chicago.
in the South Side of Chicago.
Dan di laboratorium saya, saya mempelajari widower effect,
And in my lab, I was studying the widower effect,
sebagai contoh, di tahun pertama.
for instance, in the first year.
dan kita semua terikat di sini
and that we were all embedded in this
Ada 2,200 orang di tahun 2000.
It's 2,200 people in the year 2000.
Jadi di sini ditunjukkan, di poros Y
This here shows, on the Y-axis,
Di ujung kiri, kamu bisa melihat garis berwarna ungu.
On the far left, you see the purple line.
di sini, saya membentuk suatu hubungan dengan anda
here, I form my tie to you
Dan di sini, idenya bukanlah bahwa kenaikan berat badan saya
And here, the idea is not that my weight gain
Di sini, apa yang tersebar dari satu orang ke orang lainnya
Here, what's spreading from person to person
sebagai sesuatu yang dapat kita taruh di bawah mikroskop
as living things that we could put under a kind of microscope
emosi kita di dalam diri sendiri, kemarahan atau kebahagiaan.
our emotions inside, you know, anger or happiness.
Saya baru-baru ini menyampaikan ceramah ini di New York City,
I was giving this talk recently in New York City,
dan saya berkata, "Anda tahu ketika anda sedang berada di subway
and I said, "You know when you're on the subway
dan orang lain di seberang subway
and the other person across the subway car
Dan mereka menatap saya dan berkata, "Kami tidak melakukan hal itu di New York City." (Tawa)
And they looked at me and said, "We don't do that in New York City." (Laughter)