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Indonesian to English
dijual on sale


? tidak untuk dijual ?
? are not for sale ?
di mana anak perempuan dapat dibeli dan dijual atau dibunuh.
where girls are bought and sold or killed.
benar-benar legal untuk dijual
is perfectly legal for sale
yang memungkinkan Transition dapat dijual
that will allow the Transition to be sold
seperempat barang ini dijual untuk manisan
a quarter of the items were sold off for compote
Contohnya, kami membuat buku -- bukan untuk dijual --
For example, we did books -- not for sale --
dijual dengan margin yang tinggi, jumlah yang kecil, dan pembayaran yang tidak tentu.
were being sold on a high-margin, low-volume, uncertain-payment basis.
untuk dijual kepada semua keturunan Skotlandia.
to sell to all people of Scottish ancestors.
telah dijual di Christie's pada 1994,
had been sold at Christie's in 1994,
Disini anda lihat papan kayu dijual dalam ukuran kaki
Here you see planks sold by the foot
Semua buku-buku itu dijual di toko kami. Dekat papan kayu.
And so then they're all sold in the store. This is near the planks.
Film ini akan berjudul "Film Terbaik yang Pernah Dijual."
So the movie will be called "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold."
Di "Film Terbaik yang Pernah Dijual" ini,
So what happens in "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold,"
mobil terbaik yang Anda pernah kemudikan dari "Film Terbaik yang Pernah Dijual,"
the greatest car you ever drove from "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold,"
minuman terbaik yang pernah Anda minum, persembahan dari "Film Terbaik yang Pernah Dijual."
the greatest drink you've ever had, courtesy of "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold."
MS: Kenapa ini sulit dijual,
MS: But is it a tough sell because of the film
"Film Terbaik yang Pernah Dijual."
"The Greatest Movie Ever Sold."
Mereka menemukan sesuatu yang dijual sebagai tuna, yang sangat berharga,
they found something which was sold as tuna, which is very valuable,
dijual sebagai ikan biasa.
sold as a common one.
dijual untuk perbudakan seks.
are sold into sexual slavery.
Mereka dijual untuk diadopsi.
They are sold in the name of adoption.
Mereka dijual untuk perdagangan organ.
They are sold in the name of organ trade.
Mereka dijual untuk kerja paksa,
They are sold in the name of forced labor,
seperti hampir semua benda yang dijual di Dongguan.
like almost everything else for sale in Dongguan.
"Di Amerika, tas ini dijual seharga 320 dolar."
"In America, this bag sells for 320 dollars."
2191 baru," dia berkata. "Satu tas akan dijual 6.000."
2191," she said. "One bag will sell for 6,000."
dijual kepada dunia.
into the world.
Dan daging ini dijual
And this is actually sold
namun tidak dapat dijual sebagai bistik,
that they can't actually sell as steak,
biasanya, ujung-ujungnya dijual ke Amerika Serikat.
even those, then, typically end up being sold to the United States.
Lalu dijual ke Amerika Serikat.
Then it was sold to the United States.
diangkut, dibeli dan dijual,
transported, bought and sold,
Cheapside, di sanalah mereka dijual.
of Cheapside, that's where they were sold,
adalah satu-satunya tempat di mana makanan dibeli dan dijual.
were the only places where food was bought and sold.
televisi berwarna yang dijual bebas.
available color television set.
malware yang dijual.
so-called off-the-shelf malware.
Alat ini sekarang dijual dengan harga kurang dari satu dolar
They're now down to well under a dollar a piece,
untuk dijual, terutama di Rio de Janeiro dan São Paulo.
to be sold mainly in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.
dan program-programnya dijual dalam kaset.
and you'd buy your programs on cassette tape.
Setiap pon yang dijual di pasar,
For every pound that goes to market,
untuk dijual seharga 60 sen per kilogram,
for 60 cents a kilo, but we found a way
tapi kami berhasil mengirimkannya ke Jepang untuk dijual seharga 15 dolar per kilogram,
to take the fish for sushi to Japan for 15 dollars a kilo,
benar-benar tidak berbahaya, tidak dijual secara ilegal.
there was really no danger, it had no street value.
Sprite, Fanta, atau Coke akan dijual,
of Sprite, Fanta or Coke was sold,
Kemudian jarum-jarum itu dibungkus ulang dan dijual di pasar
And then they repackage them and sell them out on markets
Apakah dijual di situs Amazon?
Does Amazon carry it?
semuanya dijual seharga dua dollar per kemasan
Those sold for two dollars each.
dijual dan diperdagangkan.
and being sold and traded.
Mereka dijual sektar 2.000 dolar setiap ekornya,
These were being sold for about 2,000 dollars each,
Saya menyaksikan kursi roda dibeli dan dijual
I see wheelchairs bought and sold