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Indonesian to English
es batu ice cube


Akan kudapatkan beberapa pemabuk di sebuah bar bertanya "Apa merek es batu ini?"
I'll get some asshole at a watering hole asking what brand the ice is.
atau engraves batu batu berharga
or engraves precious stones
curs atau engraves batu mulia
curs or engraves precious stones
dan engraves batu batu berharga
and engraves precious stones
dan engraves batu mulia maka
and engraves precious stones hence
disebut oleh lapidaries batu bulan
called by lapidaries moonstone
engraves batu mulia maka seorang
engraves precious stones hence a
luka dan engraves batu mulia
cuts and engraves precious stones
poles dan engraves batu mulia
polishes and engraves precious stones