Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
got gutter, drain
gotespluck, pick, gather
gotiausee GO 1.
gotong royongmutual assistance
gotong-royongcommunity self help, mutual cooporation
gotonganheavy burden, share load
gotripellet, buckshot
gotrok(Java) k.o. narrow-gauge railway (used for transporting sugar).


Lagu: ? We've got the Mop Tops, the Play-Doh Mop Tops ?
Song: ? We've got the Mop Tops, the Play-Doh Mop Tops ?
kotoran dari got dan sampah di samping rumah-rumah kecilnya.
raw sewage and the garbage alongside the little homes.
anehnya, 30 tahun kemudian, saya membangun 1-800-GOT-JUNK
Strangely enough, 30 years later, we're building 1-800-GOT-JUNK?
benar, saya tahu semuanya dimulai dengan "Britain's Got Talent"
yes, I know it all began with "Britain's Got Talent."
"China's Got Talent" di Shanghai
of "China's Got Talent" show in Shanghai