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Indonesian to English
hakim judge
hakim anak2children's court magistrate
hakim bagijudge of
hakim pengadilan negerijudge of district court
hakim pidanacriminal judge
hakim polisipolice justice
hakim rendahanlower judge
hakim romawipretor
hakim romawi kunopraetor
hakim setempatjustice of the peace


35 peristiwa main hakim sendiri tercatat
35 public lynchings have been recorded
Setiap menteri, bahkan hakim, harus ikut serta dalam pendidikan AIDS.
Every ministry, even judges, had to be involved in AIDS education --
Seorang hakim mengeluarkan ijin, dengan syarat si ayah meninggalkan rumah dan pindah ke motel.
Well, a judge said yes, but only if the dad leaves the house and checks into a motel.
dan sang hakim semua mengatakan hal yang sama:
and the judge all said the same thing:
yang terus menerus dipaksa oleh para hakim
who are regularly forced by family court judges
yang merupakan hakim terakhir dari segalanya.
who is the ultimate judge of everything.
Jadi kita berhasil mendapatkan dua hakim perempuan
So we managed to get two women judges
dan rumah-rumah yang memiliki sambungan air, dan sang hakim juga tidak terkesan.
and which houses had water, and the judge was not impressed either.
Hakim tidak terkesan karena nilainya mencapai 10,9 juta dolar.
The judge was not impressed to the tune of 10.9 million dollars.
Berikan para hakim daftar hukuman wajib
Give judges a list of mandatory sentences
Hakim pada kasus ini, Hakim Lois Forer
The judge on the case, Judge Lois Forer
Dan akhirnya hakim tersebut hanya menghukum Michael dengan hukuman 11 bulan.
And so she improvised a sentence -- 11 months,
dari seorang hakim yang bijak.
from a wise judge.
yang menurutnya Hakim Forer telah mengabaikan panduan hukuman
that Judge Forer ignored the sentencing guidelines
Hakim Forer harus mengikuti aturan hukum.
Judge Forer had to follow the law.
Hakim Forer melakukan apa yang seharusnya dia lakukan,
Judge Forer did what she was required to do,
Hakim Forer mengundurkan diri
Judge Forer quits,
seorang hakim bernama Robert Russell.
is a judge named Robert Russell.
Hakim Russel tak memiliki banyak pilihan
Judge Russell would have had little choice
Namun, hakim Russel melakukan sebuah alternatif.
But Judge Russell did have an alternative.
Hakim Russel mendirikan pengadilan veteran tersebut.
Judge Russell created the Veterans' Court.
Dan hakim Russel mendirikan pengadilan tersebut karena
And he had created it exactly because
Hakim Russell melihat ada
that Judge Russell
Dan Hakim Stevens, menulis untuk mayoritas hakim,
And Justice Stevens, writing for the majority,
salah satunya adalah Hakim Scalia.
one of whom was Justice Scalia.
yang mendasari pendapat dari mayoritas hakim.
underlying the majority's opinion.
Di sini kita punya Hakim Scalia
So there you have Justice Scalia
Pendapat Hakim Scalia
Justice Scalia's opinion