Indonesian to English
hancur berantakan | shot to pieces |
hancur berkeping-keping | asunder |
hancur bersama | down with |
hancur lebur | go to pieces |
hancur luluh | moulder |
hancur meleleh | melt away |
hancur menjadi kepingan | came apart |
hancur musnah | go to sticks and staves |
hancur rusak | gone to pot |
hancuran | debris, solution |
hancur[kan] | disintegrate |
Contohatau ilusi tentang keamanan yang mereka miliki telah hancur selamanya. or have had their illusion of security forever devastated.
jalur asteroid yang bisa hancur berkeping-keping bersama kita, the path of asteroids that might collide with us,
supaya, jika pesawat jatuh, alat tersebut juga hancur so that, if the plane ever crashes, it will be destroyed
Perkotaan hilang dan hancur karena kekurangan air. Cities were totally wiped out because of the lack of water.
Dan permukaannya kelihatannya hancur oleh retakan-retakan, and its surface is obviously wrecked with fractures.
Semua itu hancur di tahun 80-an dan 90-an. It all collapsed in the 80s and the 90s:
Saya dibesarkan di negara yang telah hancur I was raised in a country that has been destroyed
bahwa dunia ini dapat rusak dan hancur. that the world is not indestructible.
saat dua masjid hancur akibat ulah on the day that two mosques were attacked
hancur di jalan, that went whizzing across the road,
terpengaruh, rusak, hancur, got affected, broken, destroyed,
penghidupan hancur, livelihoods had been destroyed,
Rencana Marshall bagi Eropa, yang waktu itu hancur, A Marshall Plan for Europe, a devastated Europe,
dan mereka berkata lautan tidak berada dalam masalah, namun hampir hancur. and we want to tell you they're not in trouble, they're near collapse.
Anda menebang pohon itu, hutan hujan ini akan hancur sebagai sebuah ekosistem. You cut down that tree, the rain forest collapses as an ecosystem.
Anda bisa melihat di panel atas, kromosomnya hancur begitu saja. You can see in the top panel, its chromosome just gets blown apart.
Perbedaan antara masyarakat yang hancur dan yang maju The difference between a broken community and a thriving one
Perbedaan antara negara yang hancur The difference between a languishing nation
dan hancur dalam gelora yang dramatis. and crumble in a fit of dramatic passion.
kapan Google akan hancur. when Google is going to go bust.
Dan sepertinya semua akan hancur and it looked like all this stuff was going to die
VW Golf hancur. The Golf was totaled.
dan apakah mereka akan hancur or whether they were about to crash
bisa membuat ide yang paling brilian hancur, could make the most brilliant idea fall apart,
(Pendengar: Rahim Anda akan hancur.) Rahim Anda akan hancur. (Audience Member: Her uterus would be torn.) Her uterus would be torn.
Jika Anda pergi ke sana sekarang, 20 tahun setelah penangkapan ikan hancur, If you were to go out there today, 20 years after this fishery collapsed,
saya merasa semuanya akan hancur dengan cepat: I felt that everything could fall into ruins very fast:
hancur, perpecahan dari Kekaisaran Romawi Suci [Kekaisaran Romawi]. breakdown -- the fragmentation of the Holy Roman Empire.
"Itu akan membuatku hancur." "It would destroy me."
"Ya Tuhan, jika dia merasa hancur "God, if it would destroy him
sehingga semua akan terbongkar dan hancur. that it might just all unravel and collapse.
mereka tidak langsung hancur berkeping-keping. that they don't just unravel and fall to pieces.
60 rumah hancur, dan 40 rumah rusak. 60 homes were destroyed, and 40 were damaged.
Baterai akan berantakan, hancur, They fall apart, they disintegrate,
seluruh atom akan hancur. all atomic matter would collapse.
tapi pada suatu hari akan hancur. but that will eventually collapse.
dan materi akan hancur sendiri. and matter will collapse into itself.
dan planet Bumi akan hancur, and our Earth will be kaput,
sekolah anak-anak mereka hancur their kid's school going into the gutter,
dan tidak hancur menjadi potongan-potongan terpisah dan runtuh. instead of breaking off into separate members and failing.
dan menjauh dari keluarganya yang hancur dan suka menyiksa and away from his abusive, dysfunctional family,
Otak sebesar itu akan hancur A brain that huge would be crushed
Berikan saya rasa nyaman; dunia saya sedang hancur. Give me some comfort; my world is falling apart.
Kita tidak khawatir kalau Kota New York akan hancur dengan sendirinya We don't worry that New York City is going to collapse in on itself
di mana karir menjanjikannya hancur whose promising career was cut short
Nathaniel keluar dari Juilliard, dia benar-benar hancur, Nathaniel dropped out of Juilliard, he suffered a complete breakdown,
dan entah bagaimana kemudian semua itu hancur and somehow we get those things crushed.
sekarang sektor keuangan di Islandia hancur di depan kita -- now that we've had this financial sector collapse upon us in Iceland --
menjatuhkan Matahari sampai hancur ke bawah sejauh enam kilometer, putting the Sun crushed down to six kilometers,
di luar lubang hitam yang hancur ini. outside of this crushed black hole.