Indonesian to English
ikut serta | joining in |
ikut | follow, go along |
serta | with, as well as |
Contohdi mana reporter dan produsernya ikut serta. And they had the reporters and their producers participate.
Mereka menjadi bingung dan tidak ikut serta. And they get overwhelmed and the just don't join.
sehingga saya dapat ikut serta dalam kenikmatan ilmu pengetahuan ini so that I could partake in the joy of science,
Setiap siswa di sekolah saya bisa ikut serta dan Any student at my school can come and
salah satu dari empat pemuda Greensboro yang ikut serta dalam protes Woolworth, one of the Greensboro Four who had taken part in the Woolworth sit-ins,
Dan saat ekosistem itu runtuh, akan ada ekosistem utama yang ikut serta, And when that ecosystem collapses, it could take a major ecosystem with it,
Anda membutuhkan semua orang untuk ikut serta You need everybody to be involved
Setiap menteri, bahkan hakim, harus ikut serta dalam pendidikan AIDS. Every ministry, even judges, had to be involved in AIDS education --
semua orang ikut serta. everyone was involved.
Dan kami berkata, "Setiap orang harus ikut serta." And we said, "Everyone needs to be involved."
untuk ikut serta menyelamatkan nyawa. to be involved in saving lives.
saya diundang untuk ikut serta I was invited to take part
Saya ingin Anda ikut serta, saya ingin Anda bersama saya. I need you on board. I need you with me.
membuat ratusan ribu orang ikut serta making hundreds of thousands of people participating,
Namun suku dan keluarganya mendesaknya untuk tidak ikut serta But her tribe and family urged her not to compete
Kalau Anda ingin tahu lebih jauh tentang hal ini -- ikut serta, menjadi penonton. if you want to learn more about this, participate, be a spectator.
seseorang yang tidak ikut serta ataupun bahkan tidak memantau masalah publik. someone who doesn't participate or even examine public affairs.
Ya, inilah di mana saya pikir Eropa dapat ikut serta. Well, this is exactly where I think Europe fits in.
Semua orang yang ikut serta dalam pertukaran ide secara global ini, Everyone who participates in this global exchange of ideas,
untuk ikut serta dalam politik. in taking part in the politics.
di mana saya sendiri ikut serta of which I am a part of
yang benar-benar tertarik dan benar-benar ikut serta dalam meme ini, who were just really interested and really caught up in this great meme,
Dan meski ada seratus tim ikut serta, And even though a hundred teams were there,