Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
istirahat diamlain up
istirahat minum kopicoffee break
istirahat minum tehtea break
istirahat sebentartake time out
istirahat sejenakbreather
istirahat setelah berjuangport after sormy seas
istirahat yang sesuaireasonable break


Dan selama masa istirahat
And during the break
saya perlu istirahat.
that I need to take a break.
Itulah tempat istirahat menyenangkan
They offer a pleasant respite
pergi keluar untuk istirahat, tetapi juga menatap ke langit.
to go out for a break, but also stare up at the sky.
dia sempat berhenti di semua pos istirahat
even though she stopped at all the aid stations
Ada periode istirahat sebentar. Bisa beberapa detik.
And there's a short rest period. It can be for a few seconds.
Bisa 20 atau 30 menit. Kita sebut itu istirahat.
It can be for 20 or 30 minutes. We call that resting or benching.
Ada resonansi mendalam dengan berada dalam keadaan istirahat.
There is a deep resonance with being at rest.
Saya selalu berpakaian rapi dan istirahat yang cukup.
I would always be perfectly coiffed and well rested,
Dan mereka menggunakannya, pada waktu istirahat, sebagai pistol air.
And they use them, in the breaks, for water pistols.
ketika istirahat, karena panas.
while they're in their breaks, because it's hot.
Mari kita istirahat beberapa menit
Why don't you rest for a few minutes
Saya beritahu ya, tidak ada kata istirahat bagi yg modis.
I tell you, there is no rest for the fashionable.
Para hadirin sekalian, sudah hampir saatnya istirahat.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's nearly time for tea.
Kita anggap saja Anda harus bernyanyi agar dapat minum teh saat istirahat. Bagaimana?
Would you reckon you need to sing for your tea, I think?
Saya rasa kita harus bernyanyi sebelum istirahat.
I think we need to sing for our tea.
memberi saya jeda istirahat di antara rasa sakit untuk sedikit pulih dari rasa sakitnya.
to give me breaks in the middle to kind of recuperate from the pain.
Mereka menyebutnya "24 jam waktu istirahat."
A "24-hour sanctuary in time," they call it.
Mereka menganggap waktu istirahat ini dengan sangat serius.
They take this sanctuary in time very serious.
Dan sebenarnya, beberapa dari mereka pergi mengambil kamera dari ruang istirahat
And in fact, several of them went to go get their camera from the break room
dan ketika saya mendengarkan mereka waktu istirahat,
and I listen to them in the coffee break,
Dan kami berkata, "Bagaimana dengan bermain dan istirahat?"
And we said, "Well what about play and recess?"
Dan mereka berkata, "Tidak akan ada istirahat sekalipun di dalam jadwal."
And they said, "Ha. There won't be a single moment in the schedule."
Makan siang seperti istirahat dalam bekerja.
Lunch is like the recess for work.
kita akan mendapat istirahat yang kita perlukan
is bound to give us the respite we need
untuk membuat kerja kita lebih efisien, istirahat kita lebih santai
to make our work more efficient, our breaks more relaxing