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Indonesian to English
itu ada di it is in
ituthat, those(
adathere is/are, be, have, did
diin, at, on


Lorong Barat Laut itu ada di sana.
Well, the Northwest Passage is already there.
sekolah itu ada di sebuah rumah
The school was in a house,
saat coklat itu ada di depan kita.
when the chocolate is next to us.
Penyabotase itu ada di sana,
The saboteur is there,
dan saya lebih suka kalau partikell itu ada di atasnya.
and I'd prefer them above the ozone layer.
Telepon itu ada di sana. Namun harapannya adalah saat Anda masuk ke sana
The phones were there. But the expectation was once you moved in there
walaupun hal itu ada di sekeliling saya,
even though it was all around me,
itu ada di setiap periode ini.
that are in each one of these periods.
Kasih sayang itu ada di setiap manusia.
It is there within every human being.
dan gedung itu ada di tepi kolam
and it was right by the water,
Dan memikirkan bahwa tumor itu ada di tulang yang sama,
And to think that the tumor was in the same bone,
Jadi lampu itu ada di mana-mana.
So it's everywhere in a day there is light.
Iklan itu ada di 12 halaman berikutnya.
it was 12 following pages.
namun saya tahu jamur itu ada di sana.
but I do know the fungus is down there.
sebenarnya tanaman itu ada di sana terlebih dahulu, sebelum gerejanya.
it's actually the yew trees that were there first, then the churches.
untuk mengingatkan kalau materi itu ada di sana.
to try to remind you that it's there.
maka galaksi itu ada di sana.
the galaxy must be there, OK.
Kita meramalkan bahwa galaksi itu ada di sebelah atas ini.
We extrapolate backwards and say the galaxy is up here.
Benar-benar tidak disengaja, benda itu ada di paru-paru saya.
Totally by coincidence, there's that thing in my lung.
Saya melihat contoh-contoh hal tersebut, sekalinya saya mengidentifikasi pertanyaan ini. Hal itu ada di semua tempat.
I saw examples of that. Once I identified this question, it was all over the place.
Mobil-mobil itu ada di jalan
They travel down roads.
sebuah tanda kuning besar yang bertuliskan "kereta" dan itu ada di depan Anda.
a big yellow sign that says "Trains" and it's in front of you.
Semua kenaikan itu ada di Victoria.
That spike was all Victoria.
Perjanjian itu ada di darat,
It had occurred on land,
Jadi syarat bagi kesuksesan itu ada di sini.
So the conditions for success here are listed.
Peraturan itu ada di dalam piagam ini.
Those are captured in the charter.
Negara itu ada di Amerika Latin atau Afrika.
But they were in Latin America or they were in Africa.
peternakan itu ada di tangan orang Argentina.
the farm was in the hands of the Argentinians.
Cobalah temukan sarang lebah. Sarang itu ada di sana.
Try to spot the beehive. It's there.
Sarang itu ada di atap, di sudut sebelah sana
It's on the rooftop, right on the corner there,
Dan ketika itu ada di dunia mereka,
And when it's in their world,
Namun dia menyampaikan ungkapan ini, "Karena itu ada di sana."
But he was credited with coining the phrase, "Because it's there."
Inilah pertama kalinya bebek itu ada di pantai barat Amerika.
This is its first time on the U.S. West Coast.
dan penyusup itu ada di sana setiap saat
and it's coming all the time and he's there,
bayi itu ada di tangan saya dan saya membawanya.
the baby was placed in my hands and I brought him over.
semua pelajaran itu ada di depan kita,
We have all these lessons in front of us,
Kini buku itu ada di rak kecil di sebelah instalasi
Now, the book sat on a small shelf next to the installation,
Perilaku otomatis -- perilaku terampil itu ada di bawah sadar,
Automatic behavior -- skilled behavior -- is subconscious,
Hutan itu ada di sebelah kiri.
The forest is on the left.
Sekarang cincin itu ada di kantung saya."
It's in my pocket right now."
itu ada di komputer jinjing saya."
I've got it here on my laptop."
Selama ranjau darat itu ada di sana,
As long as these devices are there,
Magnet-magnet itu ada di sebelah sana.
Those magnets are in there.
Itu ada di sana, namun tidak sepenting kebahagiaan,
It's there, but it's not nearly as important as happiness,
baik itu ada di web atau di mana pun.
whether it's on the web or elsewhere.
bukti-bukti itu ada di sekeliling Anda.
that evidence is all around you.
tapi sekarang, itu ada di mana-mana --
but now it's everywhere in the culture --
Ya memang, si orang tua itu ada di sana
Yes, indeed, the old man is there,
Ketika saya mahasiswa, itu ada di kampus. Sekarang itu ada di kantong kita.
When I was a student it was across campus, now it's in our pockets.
Itu ada di mata sang empunya.
It's in the eye of the beholder.