Indonesian to English
jelai bertunas dikeringkan | malt |
Contohyaitu gandum, bit gula, dan jelai, things in their feed: corn, beets, and barley,
beet , jelai, dan jagung, jadi sebenarnya beets, barley, corn, and so it
aku memungut dan mengumpulkan jelai me glean and gather after
atau quot jagung quot jelai or corn of barley
bahan lain sebagai jelai atau other substances as barley or
berasal dari jelai seperti hordeic derived from barley as hordeic
dan menanam jagung gandum jelai and cultivate corn wheat barley
dan panggang jelai unmalted dan and roasted unmalted barley and
dari gandum rye gandum jelai of wheat rye oats barley
dari makan oatmeal atau jelai of oatmeal or barley meal
dengan cara dari jelai makan by means of barley meal
dibuat dari jelai ale kuat made from barley strong ale
diseduh dari jelai unmalted panggang brewed from roasted unmalted barley
dua puluh roti jelai serta twenty loaves of barley and
enam mendayung jelai atau gandum six rowed barley or the
hanya demi beberapa genggam jelai payment for handfuls of barley
jagung gandum jelai melon dll corn wheat barley melons etc