Indonesian to English
jelas sekali | as clear as day |
jelas | clear, distinct, unequivocal, explicit |
sekali | once, one time, at the same time, when |
Contohdan jelas sekali harganya akan jauh lebih mahal. and obviously those are much higher.
adalah bahwa jelas sekali proses otomatis, is that obviously this automatic,
Jelas sekali bahwa simpanse sedikit lebih kesulitan berjalan. Clearly, the chimpanzee has a little bit harder time of walking.
dan anda dapat melihat nampak jelas sekali perbedaannya. and you can see the difference is pretty stark.
Jelas sekali. Mungkin sedikit terlalu jelas. So clear. Maybe a little bit over-clear.
Pembuatnya jelas sekali mendapat banyak uang dari situ. And they obviously make a lot of money off of them.
di bawah tenaga surya dan sangat jelas sekali, di bawah bahan bakar fosil. below solar and way below, obviously, all the fossil fuels.
dari peradaban lainnya? Masalah ini jelas sekali sangat relevan than other societies? The problem is obviously relevant
Jelas sekali jawabannya bukanlah Obviously the answer to this question is not going
jelas sekali kaum elit di dunia bisnis it's been obvious that the elite in the business world
Bocah yang malang ini, jelas sekali adalah figuran -- This poor kid, clearly a prop --
Apa yang terjadi sekarang? Jelas sekali mereka melihat matahari. What happens now? So clearly they're looking at the sun.