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kelelawar cave bat


dan tentu saja, Gua Kelelawar. (Batcave milik Batman)
and there was, of course, the Batcave.
dan mamalia seperti kelelawar, tikus
and mammals like bats rats
Gua Kelelawar Austin di kota Austin.
Austin Bat Cave in Austin;
ketika seekor kelelawar besar terbang di atasnya,
when a big bat flies over his head,
Bentuk-bentuk baru berubah menjadi kelelawar. Musang.
New forms became bats. Civets.
lebah, kelelawar, burung, kupu-kupu --
bees, bats, hummingbirds, butterflies --
Di tahun 2005, ditemukan spesies kelelawar baru
In 2005, a new species of bat was discovered
Penyerbukannya hanya bergantung pada kelelawar itu.
It depends solely on the bat.
(Video) Narator: Kelelawar bermulut tabung pemakan madu.
(Video) Narrator: The tube-lipped nectar bat.
Kelelawar berukuran 2 setengah inci ini
This two-and-a-half-inch bat