Indonesian to English
kerak | 1 rice crust adhering to the pot. 2 encrustation. kerak-bumi the earth's crust. kerak-besi iron slag. |
kerak benua | continental crust |
kerak bumi | earth crust |
kerak keju | cheese rind |
kerak keras | mud cake |
kerak roti | bread crust |
kerak tapis | filter cake |
kerakal | gravel |
kerakap | betel leaf that has grown thick and tough. |
kerakeling | brass knuckles |
kerakusan | gluttony |
kerakusan/kekotoran | piggishness |
kerakyatan | democracy, populist |
Contohmembongkar dan merakit perapian, membersihkan tumpahan dan kerak logam. tearing down and rebuilding furnaces, cleaning up spilt metal and slag.
untuk memberi kita kerak roti yang cantik. to give us a beautiful crust.
Memberi kita kerak yang coklat dan cantik. They give us that beautiful brown crust.
Hanya kerak yang terkaramelisasi. Hanya di situlah tempat yang cukup panas. Only the crust can caramelize. It's the only place that gets hot enough.
Semoga kerak rotimu renyah, May your crust be crisp,
di atas kerak es yang mengapung dan bergerak over this floating, drifting, shifting crust of ice
yang baru saja Anda lihat, ternyata terbuka dan hanya ditutupi oleh kerak ganggang, that you've just seen is bare and covered with a crust of algae,
di atas kerak yang membeku, over the frozen crust,
Lumut kerak muncul sebagai sebuah kooperasi. Jamur menikahi ganggang. Lichens arose as a co-op. Fungi married algae ...
tapi perannya dalam pembentukan kerak Bumi bagian luar. but the role it plays in the genesis of the Earth's outer skin.
lempengan kerak Bumi yang besar saling terpisah. where the great crustal plates are separating.
lalu menebalkan kerak bumi dan mengangkatnya. you would thicken the crust, you'd uplift it.
Kami menyebutnya "kerak magnetik." We call this crustal magnetism.
Kerak Bumi telah didaur ulang. The crust of the Earth has been recycled.