Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
keributan commotion, disturbance
keributan soal tidak pentingtempest in a teapot


pada saat itu, mendengarkan keributan dan harmoni
in that single moment, hearing dissonance and harmony
Keributan pun berlanjut.
And there's this huge hubbub.
Archie menunggu keributan itu berlalu.
Archie lets it die down.
Ketika anda kecil, jika anda mendengar keributan, dan anda tidak mau mendengarnya,
Now, when you were little, if you had noise and you didn't want to hear it,
Semua keributan di sekitar kita sebenarnya mengandung informasi.
All this noise around us actually has information.
semua kekacauan, semua keributan,
all of the chaos, all of the noise,