Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
langit sky, the heavens
langit dan bumiheaven and earth
langit-langit kerashard palate
langit-langit lunaksoft palate
langit-langit mulutpalate


Langit dipenuhi oleh armada helikopter yang membawanya.
the sky is filled with this fleet of helicopters carrying him in.
di mana kita semua bisa melihat langit malam yang sama
which is why we can all look up at the same night sky
Alat tersebut membutuhkan langit jernih agar akurat.
It needs cloudless sky to be really accurate.
Berapa banyak langit jernih
Well how many cloudless skies
di langit dari dunia lain.
in the skies of other worlds.
? Apa kau pernah menatap langit berbintang? ?
? Have you ever stared into a starry sky? ?
? Jika kau pernah menatap langit berbintang ?
? If you've ever stared into a starry sky ?
? Apa kau pernah menatap langit berbintang? ?
? Have you ever stared into a starry sky? ?
terhubung dengan langit yang tak terbatas.
connected to limitless sky.
dalam skala gedung pencakar langit.
at the scale of skyscrapers.
? (tidak jelas) benda asing, benda di langit ?
? [unclear] extraterrestrial, celestial scene ?
bahwa trendi sekarang kalau mempunyai anjing yang tingginya sepertiga langit-langit.
it's fashionable now to have dogs a third as tall as your ceiling heights.
dari dua prinsip “Separuh Langit".
of two tenets of "Half the Sky."
Prinsip kedua dari “Separuh Langit”
The second tenet of "Half the Sky"
dibawa langit yang biru,
under an azure blue sky,
dengan langit 3 dimensi di atas kita --
with the three-dimensional sky above us --
saat langit gelap selama 6 bulan.
when it's completely dark for six months.
namun dengan layar hijau, kami dapat memperoleh gambar bergerak dari langit
and yet with the green screen we can have some moving image that a skydiver took,
dan menggerakkan langit dan awannya.
and put in the sky moving and the clouds whizzing by.
tergantung di langit-langit.
hanging from the ceiling.
sehingga rangsangan mereka hanyalah langit-langit,
and otherwise their only stimulation is the ceiling,
Seseorang bisa berkata, "Lihat, Tuhan berada di atas langit!
A human can say, "Look, there is a god above the clouds!
mereka mulai menembaki langit, Sama tidak hebatnya. (Tawa)
they starting shooting in the air, equally not great. (Laughter)
yang sedang duduk di batu, menatap langit,
who was sitting on a rock, staring at the sky
dan di mana letaknya pada langit malam.
and where it is in our night sky.
menelepon langit.
dialed into the heavens.
Ini adalah tempat eksperimen kita di Maui, terbang melintasi langit.
This is our test site on Maui, flying across the sky.
Seperti mengukir nama Anda di langit
that's tracing your name in the sky.
Semacam jalan raksasa tercipta di langit
There's basically a giant pathway in the sky
tidak berhenti di langit.
not stopping at the sky.
pergi keluar untuk istirahat, tetapi juga menatap ke langit.
to go out for a break, but also stare up at the sky.
maka kita dapat melihat bagaimana langit akan terlihat pada waktu yang berbeda,
then we can see how the sky will look at different times,
Mari menggerakkan bulan sedikit lebih tinggi di langit,
Let's move the moon a little higher in the sky,
dari langit
representation of the sky
dan mereka hidup di atas apa yang saya sebut sebagai garis langit,
and they live above what I call the "air line,"
yang hidup di antara garis kemiskinan dan garis langit.
who live in between the poverty and the air line.
mesin cuci telah menembus ke bawah garis langit,
the washing machine has penetrated below the air line,
penduduk langit, penduduk cucian,
the air people, the wash people,
mereka akan meloncati garis langit.
they will jump the air line.
Perubahan yang paling dramatis adalah gedung pencakar langit
The most dramatic changes will be the skyscraper
langit-langit akustik, lampu-lampu TL.
acoustic tile ceilings and fluorescent lights.
mendapatkan pesan dari langit.
get their message from above.
dari langit-langit.
from the ceiling.
yang mengosongkan sebuah gedung pencakar langit --
who was hollowing out a skyscraper --
Pandanglah ke langit.
Look at the sky.
Kita sangat jarang memandang langit.
We so rarely look at the sky.
Tatanan awan di langit tidak akan pernah sama
That formation of clouds in the sky will never be the same
Lihat langit-langit, Anda melihat semua bohlam lampu.
Look at the ceiling, you see all these light bulbs.
bahkan cahaya dari langit-langit turun ke sini ke penerima.
even light from the ceiling comes down here to the receiver.
piring terbang ke langit, seperti sebuah --
flying saucers into the sky.