Indonesian to English
larut | soluble, fused, dissolved, protracted, late |
larut malam | lateness |
larutan | solution, lateness |
larutan alkohol | alcoholic solution |
larutan asam | acid solution of |
larutan asam cuka | acetic solution |
larutan atermal | athermal solution |
larutan cair | diluted solution |
larutan cair dalam minyak | aqueous-solution of essential oil |
larutan dapra | buffer solution |
larutan elektrolitis | electrolytical solution |
larutan emas | solution of gold |
larutan isopiestik | isopiestic solution |
larutan logam | metallic solution |
larutan mengandung air | aqueous solution |
larutan obat dalam alkohol | tincture |
larutan padat | solid solution |
larutan tembaga | solution of copper |
larutan timah | tin-liquor |
Contohdan kita larut dalam tantangan atau tugas -- and we are lost in a challenge or a task --
Dan anda bekerja sampai larut malam, And you're working away until late at night,
Waktu itu sudah sangat larut, dan di usia 80 tahun, It was very late at night, and at age 80,
larut bak gula pada lidah, would dissolve like sugar on tongue,
sehingga sebenarnya tinta itu larut dan warnanya hilang. so that it actually gets diluted out, and the color's gone.
Saya bekerja hingga larut malam dan di akhir pekan I worked a lot of late nights. I worked a lot of weekends,
saat perang menjadi berlarut-larut, as the war drags on,
Anda dapat melihatnya larut seketika dalam segelas air so you can watch it dissolve instantaneously in a glass of water
yaitu mereka bisa diprogram untuk larut. that these materials have, that they're programmably degradable.
Di atas, film yang diprogram untuk tidak larut, In the top, you have a film that has been programmed not to degrade,
dan di bawah, film yang diprogram untuk larut dalam air. and in the bottom, a film that has been programmed to degrade in water.
Saat itu sudah larut malam. It was deep at night.
permainan baru. Anda bangun hingga larut untuk bermain. to a new game. You've been up too late playing a game.
dan saya risau dengan plastik dan racun dari plastik yang larut and I'm concerned about the plastic and the toxins that leach from plastic
dan melihat tulisan-tulisannya larut and watch the letters dissolve.
yang larut secara cepat which dissolves quickly
larut kembali ke laut, benar? is dissolving straight into the sea, right?
Bahan ini lebih mudah larut That material is more soluble
bahan itu mulai larut. that material's actually going to start to dissolve.
tapi lebih buruk lagi, karena ia larut sebelum mencapai darah, but mostly bad, because they get diluted by the time they get to the blood,
dan PCB itu karena dapat larut dalam lemak and those PCBs, being fat-soluble,
saat itu larut malam, saya duduk di dalam kereta hendak pulang, late one night when I was sitting on the subway, riding home,