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Indonesian to English
lembah valley, dale
lembah dalamcoomb
lembah gelombangwave hollow
lembah kecildell
lembah sungairiver basin


di pemukiman kumuh Lembah Mathare.
in the Mathare Valley slums.
Nah, Lembah Mathare adalah salah satu pemukiman kumuh tertua di Afrika.
Now, Mathare Valley is one of the oldest slums in Africa.
Tapi dia masih tinggal di Lembah Mathare.
But she still lives in Mathare Valley.
di Lembah El Dorado, di luar Boulder.
in El Dorado Canyon, outside of Boulder.
tebing curam itu, tebing curam dengan lembah itu,
that precipice, that high precipice with the valley,
saat kita tenggelam di lembah itu.
when we were deep in the valley over there.
sistem lembah
spiderwebbing system of canyons
saat kita mencoba memahami peradaban Lembah Indus,
when we try to understand the Indus Valley civilization,
Peradaban Lembah Indus ada pada masa yang kira-kira sama
The Indus civilization was roughly contemporaneous
sangat jauh dari Lembah Indus.
very, very far away from the Indus Valley.
yang ditemukan di Lembah Indus.
that are found within the Indus Valley.
Dan saat kami berada di sekitar tepi lembah ini, gravitasinya dapat mencapai dua kali lipat.
And as you come around the banks in these valleys, the forces can get up to two Gs.
Inilah Observatorium Radio Lembah Owens
This is the Owens Valley Radio Observatory
di lembah sungai Koshi
on the Koshi River basin
Dan kami berjalan tiga lembah melewatinya,
And we walked three valleys beyond,
dan pada lembah ketiga, ada sesuatu yang cukup misterius dan pertanda buruk,
and the third valley, there was something quite mysterious and ominous,
Dan ketika menulis salah satu dari peristiwanya, itu terjadi di lembah ketiga.
And in writing one of the scenes, it happened in that third valley.
dan menaikannya di Lembah Sayan
and putting it up over the Sayan Valley
di lembah yang sangat indah
in this absolutely magnificent valley
di lembah yang subur ini, menolak bercocok tanam.
in such a fertile valley, would not have any agriculture.
yang telah kami pasang di Lembah Monterey tahun lalu.
which we had installed in Monterey Canyon last year.
Ini di kedalaman 3.000 kaki di Lembah Monterey.
This is at 3,000 feet in Monterey Canyon.
Ini, pada kenyataannya, di sini adalah lembah Lhasa,
This is, in fact, right here is the valley of Lhasa,
dari api dan sebagainya di lembah sungai Gangga
from fires and so forth in the Ganges valley
menuju ke lembah Rift -- sampai kami bertujuh
into the Rift Valley -- until a group of seven of us
manusia pertama yang memasuki lembah Rift besar.
and were the first human beings to enter the Great Rift Valley.
Kami turun menuju lembah Rift,
We went down into the Rift Valley.
sekitar 12.000 kaki. Kedalaman lembah Rift sekitar 9.000 kaki.
which is 12,000 feet. In the Rift Valley, it's 9,000 feet.
Sekarang, kita menuju Afrika Timur dan Rift Valley (Lembah Retakan Besar)
Now we're going to go to the East African and the Rift Valley.
melindungi fosil pada tempatnya sehingga tidak terbawa arus air menuju lembah.
holding it in place and preventing it from washing away down the slope.
Di lembah yang sama ada sisa-sisa manusia modern
In the same valley there are modern human remains
dan ketika awan-awan itu bergerak menuju lembah
and as the clouds got about halfway over the valley,
Ini adalah unta-unta yang bergerak menyeberangi Lembah Rift di Afrika,
These are camels moving across the Rift Valley in Africa,
Ini adalah pertanian di Lembah Shenandoah di Virginia.
This is a farm in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.
dari Lembah California Tengah,
from the great Central Valley of California
dengan Lembah Yordan di sisi lainnya,
and the Jordan Valley on the other hand,
daerah Arava di atas Lembah Great Rift
the Arava area above the Great Rift Valley,
Permukaan bumi sungguh dipenuhi lembah-lembah,
The surface of the Earth is absolutely riddled with holes,
terbelah, menjadikan sebuah lembah bercelah.
is splitting apart, creating a rift valley.
dan menyelam ke dalam lembah itu, disanalah yang benar-benar seru
And when you dive into that rift valley, that's where the action is
sehingga air hujan pun membanjiri lembah bukit,
So this rainwater is flooding down the hillside,
jumlah lipatan gunung, jumlah lipatan lembah --
the number of mountain folds, the number of valley folds --
Mars memiliki lembah raksasa
Mars has the Grand Canyon
lembah terbesar di tata surya,
the largest canyon in the solar system,
Kami terbang di atas lembah.
we fly over valleys;