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lenyap lost, disappeared


bahwa es laut mulai lenyap
that the sea ice is disappearing
Lalu bentuk manusia awal ini lenyap
And then these earlier forms of humans disappear,
karena iklim yang memicunya telah lenyap.
because the climatic triggers have disappeared.
Kini mencari sesuatu agar lenyap di hadapan kebijaksanaan konvensional.
Now that finding flew in the face of conventional wisdom.
hal itu lenyap di hadapan kebijaksanaan konvensional.
It flew in the face of conventional wisdom,
lenyap setiap tahunnya.
disappear every year.
10 persen orang Amerika tidak lenyap setiap tahunnya.
Ten percent of Americans don't disappear every year.
Dia berkata, "Bila semua serangga lenyap,
He said, "If all the insects disappeared,
hidup di Bumi seperti kita tahu akan lenyap dalam 50 tahun.
life on Earth as we know it would disappear within 50 years.
Bila manusia lenyap, hidup di Bumi seperti kita tahu akan berkembang."
If human beings disappeared, life on Earth as we know it would flourish."
Jumlah yang lenyap pada tahun 2005
The amount that disappeared in 2005
Tambahan jumlah yang lenyap di musim gugur lalu
The extra amount that disappeared last fall
Anda tahu malam yang ingin Anda lupakan itu, di mana Anda sangat mabuk? Selamat tinggal! Lenyap. (Tawa)
so, you know that night you want to forget, when you got really drunk? Bye-bye! Gone. (Laughter)
sudah lenyap.
has been lost.
Tiga hari kemudian tulisan itu lenyap dan seminggu kemudian,
Three days later it faded, and a week later,
Lalu reinkarnasi, ada hal lain yang lenyap -- dunia akhirat.
Now reincarnation, that's another thing gone -- the afterlife.
Sebenarnya itu tidak lenyap.
But it's not gone.
semua akan lenyap.
that gets this one go.
akan entah bagaimana langsung lenyap secara misterius
is somehow mysteriously going to evaporate
semua es di Arktik akan lenyap dalam 5 hingga 10 tahun lagi.
it could all be gone in five or 10 years' time.
dan materi biasa dan radiasi akan lenyap,
and ordinary matter and radiation will dilute away,
dan seluruh kehidupan di Bumi lenyap
and any remaining life on Earth is vaporized.
Tiba-tiba dia lenyap.
Suddenly it wasn't here at all.
Saat saya mendengar tentang lebah yang lenyap, kehancuran koloni,
When I heard about the vanishing bees, Colony Collapse Disorder,
Jika mereka lenyap, kita juga.
If they disappear, so do we.
Benar-benar lenyap,
How, literally, ungrounded
Negatif-negatifnya lenyap.
The negatives are gone.
Model pada akhirnya akan lenyap jadi alam bawah sadar.
Models eventually fade into the background.
saat beberapa makhluk hidup yang menyusun mereka lenyap,
where some of the main framework organisms disappear,
Kebenaran telah lenyap
The truth has become lost
sesuatu yang Anda pikir akan lenyap begitu saja,
something you would think just simply goes away,
Pengalengan itu lenyap. Pencemarannya telah mereda.
The canneries are gone. The pollution has abated.
bahwa setelah pengalengan itu lenyap,
that when the canneries eventually were gone,
semua ini bisa saja lenyap.
and it can be completely dead.
semua binatang lenyap, semuanya mati.
All of the animals are gone, they're dead,
kehidupan lainnya dan manusia akan turut lenyap dari muka bumi.
the rest of life and humanity with it would mostly disappear from the land.