Indonesian to English
lorong bijih | mineral vein |
lorong buntu | underground shaft |
lorong cerobong | chimney-shaft |
lorong damar | resin duct |
lorong empat | quadrant pit |
lorong lantai | inclined shaft |
lorong terbuka | open shaft |
lorong tunggal | single shaft |
lorong ventilasi | wind-way |
lorong vertikal | vertical shaft |
lorong-batu | cross measure drift |
lorong-ganda | double shaft |
lorong-lintang | cross-cut |
lorong-pual karman | karman vortex street |
lorong/gang | passage away |
Contohsaat mencoba menemukan Lorong Barat Laut. trying to find the Northwest Passage.
Lorong Barat Laut itu ada di sana. Well, the Northwest Passage is already there.
Pemerintah mau menerimanya, dan bukan hanya mereka yang bekerja di lorong-lorong berdebu, Governments are receptive. It won't come from those dusty corridors.
karena hal ini menjadi masalah, mengirim kita ke lorong yang gelap, because it is a problem, because it sends us all down blind alleys,
Jika Anda beruntung ada telepon umum di lorong atau suatu tempat lainnya. If you were lucky there was a public phone hanging in the corridor or somewhere.
di lorong SMA Palmer in the hallways of Palmer High School
lorong gereja yang mungkin tidak akan saya jalani. the aisles I might not walk down.
itu seperti berjalan melalui lorong yang gelap it would be walking down a darkened hallway
Dia disebut flaneur, orang yang berjalan di lorong sempit. He was called a "flaneur," one who wanders the arcades.
mencoba meningkatkan kekuatannya, dengan perlahan berjalan bolak-balik di lorong. trying to build up his strength, walking slowly up and down the hall.
Dan saat dia berjalan menyusuri lorong itu, And when she came down those steps,
atau bisa juga mengirimkan kita turun ke lorong gelap. or it can send us down a blind alley.
dan, dari seluruh tempat, dalam lorong, and, of all places, in the hallway,
kususuri lorong yang dibersihkan saat aku lewat setiap harinya I march down hallways cleaned up after me every day
tapi saya meletakkannya di lorong masuk, tidak untuk membuat jus. but I have it in the entryway, I don't use it to make juice.
menaiki tangga, ke ujung lorong, melewati pemadam kebakaran 'asli' up the stairs, down the hall, past the 'real' firefighters,
bisikan di lorong bahwa Anda lemah, it's the whispers in the hallway that you're weak,
menuju ke lorong gelap. is going down a blind alley.
Apakah anda memiliki lorong yang panjangnya lebih dari 10 meter? Would you happen to have a hallway that's more than 10 meters long?
dan akhirnya lorong-lorong yang merangsang pikiran dan imajinasi kita. and ultimately the hallways that stimulate our mind and our imagination.
? Namun di lorong itu ? ? Yet, there in the hallway ?
? Namun di lorong itu ? ? Yet, there in the hallway ?
? Ada di lorong itu ? ? There in the hallway, ?
tetapi ada juga tempat yang dinamakan "lorong kanker," but there's a place called "Cancer Alley,"
dan alasan mengapa dinamakan "lorong kanker" and the reason it's called "Cancer Alley"
yang menyebarkan kanker di tempat semacam "lorong kanker" dan memperpendek umur that's giving people cancer in places like "Cancer Alley" and shortening lives
di pusat petrokimia seperti "lorong kanker", in petrochemical centers like "Cancer Alley,"
Orang miskin, orang berpendapatan rendah, seseorang di "lorong kanker", A poor person, a low-income person, somebody in "Cancer Alley,"
hidup orang buangan, dan komunitas buangan seperti "lorong kanker" ? throwaway lives and throwaway communities like "Cancer Alley?"
Anda ada di sana, Anda ingin menuju ke ujung lorong. You're in there, you want to go to the end of the corridor.