Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
macam kind, sort, type
macam apawhat for a
macam halof things
macam kereta-apitype of train
macam pengendaliankind of control
macam rangkabakargrate-type
macam tindakancourses of action
macam transaksitype of transaction
macam-macam1 various. 2 do all sorts of things.
macam-macam koordinasikinds of coordination
macam-macam laporankinds of report
macam-macam penyakitillnesses
macam-macam rencanatypes of plans


Ada berbagai macam mekanisme dalam efek ini:
There can be many mechanisms for this effect:
Dan kita mulai menjelajahi segala macam fenomena yang lain.
And we started exploring all kinds of other phenomena.
tetapi segala macam fenomena yang lain --
but all kinds of other phenomena --
dari bermacam-macam suara burung,
of honking and braying and squawking,
dalam berbagai macam keadaan,
who through various circumstances --
Kita mencoba melakukan segala macam rekayasa genetik
we're trying to do all sorts of genetics
dan segala macam hal itu,
and all those kinds of things
dan tidak berlagak macam wanita.
and stop behaving like women.
Salah satu cerita otak favorit saya menggambarkan tentang orang-orang paruh baya macam ini.
One of my favorite brain stories described these middle-aged guys.
dan ada segala macam grafik ini
and there are all these sorts of graphs
Lantas kesetaraan macam apa
Then what kind of equality
jadi kami mengukur berbagai macam gen berulang-ulang
so we repeatedly measure various genes
tentang berbagai macam tantangan perilaku
all sorts of behavioral challenges
berbagai macam ide di bangunan kami,
different ideas in our buildings,
berbagai macam orang yang bekerja dengan saya
all kinds of people working with me
Anda merangkai bermacam-macam resep itu, bila Anda menggabungkannya,
you put those different recipes; if you combine them,
bila Anda mengintegrasikan bermacam-macam teknologi.
if you integrate the various technologies.
dan Anda tidak akan macam-macam terhadap keluarga Anda.
and you don't make trouble with your family.
dimana anda mendapatkan berbagai macam ide yang berkumpul bersama-sama,
where you have lots of different ideas that are together,
Di rumah sakit kami, ada bermacam-macam orang, mulai dari profesor di Harvard
At our hospital we see everybody from Harvard professors
oleh berbagai macam orang.
from all walks of life.
kita perlu berinteraksi dan terlibat dengan bermacam-macam
we have to interact and engage with those different
Ada berbagai macam kode HTML yang bisa dipakai
There are all sorts of html codes you can use
segala macam aplikasi dapat berjalan.
all sorts of applications can play out,
Dan dari sini, kita dapat melakukan beberapa macam pencatatan,
And from here, we're able to do the same sorts of registration,
Dan saat mereka mulai mendapat hasil penelitian ini melalui berbagai macam cara berbeda,
And when they started obtaining the writeups of those trials through various different means,
dan berbagai macam infeksi yang berkaitan dengan air kotor --
and the variety of infections associated with dirty water --
begitu banyak macam novel.
so many different novels here.
kami memiliki berbagai macam metode lain.
we have all kinds of other methods.
ada macam-macam barang dipindahkan ke sana,
there's a sluice of stuff moving into there,
kita dipisahkan oleh berbagai macam politik dan agama
separate from all the politics and religion
Kami akan menggunakan segala macam cara --
And we will utilize all kinds of things --
toko ahli kunci yang punya segala macam pelayanan
keysmith's shops that has to have every service
membuat berbagai macam ruang dan kegunaan
creating different sorts of spaces and uses
Dan dia mendengarkan bermacam-macam bahasa
And she's listening to various languages
Hal ini dapat berarti macam-macam.
Well, it can mean a lot of things.
bermacam-macam krisis
all the multiple crises
dan segala macam ketidakstabilan yang ditimbulkannya.
and what sort of instability it creates.
Orang macam apa yang mau bergabung dengan komunitas global
What kinds of people would join a global community
Dan biasanya melibatkan dengan membuat macam-macam,
And it typically involves making multiple,
anda bisa melihat bermacam-macam sistem
you could look out at various systems --
Jadi ayo Walmart pamerkan 100.000 macam produkmu,
So bring it on, Walmart, with 100,000 different products,
semuanya ada tujuh macam
seven, to be exact.
ketujuh macam soda itu.
those seven sodas,
Saya bertanya, "Ada berapa macam minuman semuanya?"
and I asked them, "How many choices are these?"
mereka menganggap ketujuh macam soda ini,
they perceived these seven different sodas,
alhasil, setiap macam pilihan jadi penting.
and so every choice matters.
"Saya tidak perlu 20 macam permen karet.
"I don't need twenty kinds of chewing gum.
Saking sebalnya saya juluki macam-macam. Pokoknya sebal.
I hated them, had names for them. I hated them.
adalah berbagai macam infeksi menular seksual,
is various infections, sexually transmitted infections,