Indonesian to English
mahal untuk | expensive to |
ContohAkan membawa banyak kebaikan, namun juga sangat, sangat mahal. It would do a lot of good, but it's also very, very costly.
Dan penanggulangan sangat, sangat lebih mahal dari pencegahan. And treatment is much, much more expensive than prevention.
serta mahal tersebut. expensive objects.
mematahkan benda-benda mahal dan sangat indah. to break small, expensive, exquisite objects.
dari orang-orang yang membayar mahal by people who pay a lot of money
Tapi untuk membuat bentuk besar itu sangat berat dan mahal. But to make large forms was too heavy and expensive.
Saya tidak tahu bagaimana cara kerjanya, tapi saya membayar mahal untuk itu. I have no idea how it works, but I paid a lot of money for it.
yang anda beli sangat mahal benar-benar dari kambing. that you paid so much for is really goat's.
melalui tiga gerakan sederhana -- mahal, namun sederhana. through three simple moves -- expensive, but simple.
karena ketika bus-bus ini melaju kencang, mobil-mobil mahal terkena kemacetan, expensive cars stuck in traffic,
Pendidikan di Amerika sangatlah mahal. American education is so expensive.
serta tidak mahal. and inexpensive.
peralatan mahal seperti ini, expensive equipment like this,
terlalu mahal untuk diterapkan too expensive to implement
harus dipindahkan ke obat baris kedua yang lebih mahal. had to transfer to the more expensive second-line drugs.
setiap hari, walaupun harganya lebih mahal. each day, even though it's more expensive.
dan jelas sekali harganya akan jauh lebih mahal. and obviously those are much higher.
dan membelikan obat-obatan yang sangat mahal untuk sisa hidup mereka. and buy them incredibly expensive drugs for the rest of their lives.
Sejak dahulu perlindungan iklim dianggap mahal, The old story about climate protection is that it's costly,
adalah bahwa ini tidak mahal, tapi menguntungkan. is that it's not costly, but profitable.
kita ingin menghematnya, biayanya akan menjadi mahal, kalau tidak kita pasti sudah melakukannya, it would be expensive, or we would have done it already,
adalah menggunakan logam ringan mahal seperti aluminium dan magnesium. was to use expensive light metals like aluminum and magnesium.
dibandingkan empat baja pencetak yang mahal. instead of four expensive ones for stamping steel.
dengan harga yang cukup mahal. Tapi Anda bisa lihat di 1998, and it was quite expensive. But you can see that by 1998,
Dan jaringan ini sangat mahal. And the tissue's very expensive.
Anda harus datang ke klinik untuk melakukannya. Tes ini sangat mahal You have to go to the clinic to do it. It's very, very costly,
karena terlalu mahal. it was too expensive.
Langka, mahal; They are scarce; they are expensive;
diproduksi dengan mahal, expensively deployed,
lalu menjualnya dengan harga mahal. inside they are selling for pounds, dollars.
"Itu tak terlihat berharga segitu mahal." "It doesn't look like it's worth that much."
karena mahal, dan settingnya di masa depan, because it's expensive, it's set in the future,
perlu memiliki solusi yang besar dan penting, dan hampir seluruhnya, mahal need to have big important, and most of all, expensive
Anda kenyataannya mencari hal-hal mahal untuk membelanjakannya. you actually look for expensive things to spend it on.
dimana hal-hal yang besar dan mahal which is that big, expensive things
ingin melakukan hal-hal yang besar dan mahal. want to do big expensive things.
Tidak lebih mahal daripada barang elektronik biasa. It's not any more pricey than regular electronics.
Para guru selalu bilang, "Wah, teknologinya bagus, tapi terlalu mahal." The teachers always say, well, it's fine, but it's too expensive for what it does.
"Cobalah yogurt ini. Enak sekali. Memang sedikit mahal." "Try the yogurt. It's very good. Little expensive."
Jadi saat Anda berbicara tentang daya yang mahal So when you talk about expensive power,
Mesin ini cukup mahal. It's a pretty expensive machine.
yang sangat mahal. which cost a huge amount of money.
AIDS adalah hal yang sama. Mencegah AIDS itu mahal. AIDS is the same kind of thing. It's costly to avoid AIDS.
Anda bisa membuat kembali jalan-jalan dengan cepat, tidak mahal, You can remake your streets quickly, inexpensively,
itu tidak mahal, bisa mendatangkan manfaat langsung, it's not expensive, it can provide immediate benefits,
dengan otak besar yang mahal dengan banyak neuron ini, dangerously expensive brain with a lot of neurons,
dari logam mulia mahal seharga perak from a precious metal costing as much as silver
untuk mendemonstrasikan bahwa obat palsu yang mahal for demonstrating that high-priced fake medicine
RG: Saat kami menutup majalah pengasuhan anak mahal RG: When we lowered the glossy parenting magazine
Sehingga benda ini lebih mahal, tapi indah. So it's more expensive, but it's wonderful.