Indonesian to English
masih ada banyak | plenty more |
masih | still |
ada | there is/are, be, have, did |
banyak | many, much, have a lot of, excessively, in great quantities |
Contohmasih ada banyak lagi yang disampaikan selain kata-kata. there's still a lot more being transferred than just words.
Masih ada banyak, saya akan mengatakannya pada Anda. There's a lot of exciting things, and I'm going to tell you a little bit about them.
Masih ada banyak area belum dieksplorasi. there are large areas that still remain unexplored.
Masih ada banyak hal yang belum diketahui. Now in terms of the unknowns, there are many.
karena masih ada banyak kecantikan menakjubkan. because there is still spectacular beauty.
masih ada banyak orang dengan tingkat kesehatan yang buruk dan perekonomian yang rendah. there is still people with low health and very low economy.
Masih ada banyak lagi yang kami lakukan untuk menyelami ide There is more that we're doing to explore this idea
Jadi masih ada banyak orang And so there are still a lot of people