Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
melintasi rush past, pass in a hurry
melintasi samodera atlantiktransatlantic


selama 7 tahun melintasi tata surya. Kami menggunakannya pada permukaan Titan,
for seven years across the solar system. We deployed it to the atmosphere of Titan,
Kalau Anda pergi dalam perjalanan pesawat melintasi Amerika,
If you were going to take an airplane trip across the U.S.,
ketika Anda terbang melintasi permukaan Titan. (Tawa)
as you fly across the surface of Titan. (Laughter)
kami terbang melintasi kutub utara dari Titan dan menemukan, sekali lagi,
we flew over the north pole of Titan and found, again,
Jadi setelah lima hari melintasi Selat Drake --
So after five days of crossing the Drake Passage --
Setelah lima hari melintasi Selat Drake --
after five days of crossing the Drake Passage,
Mereka melintasi negeri dengan bermain ski di atas pegunungan
They're cross-country skiing up the mountain
Tapi buku-buku tersebut tidak berjalan melintasi perbatasan.
But those books can't travel across borders.
orang yang diperdagangkan melintasi perbatasan internasional.
that are trafficked across international borders.
Sebenarnya saya merancangnya agar dapat bergerak lebih cepat melintasi air
I actually designed that to move faster through the water
dan membawanya terbang melintasi benua,
and you fly it all the way across the continent,
dalam perlombaan melawan kereta kuda melintasi pedesaan Inggris.
in races against horse carriages across the English countryside.
Ini adalah tempat eksperimen kita di Maui, terbang melintasi langit.
This is our test site on Maui, flying across the sky.
sejauh tiga juta mil persegi melintasi Pasifik
three million square miles across the Pacific
Di sini, kita terbang melintasi
And here, this is a fly-through
Anda dapat terbang melintasi awan-awan data.
you can fly through the cloud of points.
dan saya akan menunjukkan pesawat ini terbang melintasi Titan.
and I'm going to bring up the Titan flyby.
Voyager 1 terbang melintasi Titan
Voyager 1 here is flying by Titan at
saat Voyager 1 melintasi Titan
as Voyager 1 flies by Titan,
Voyager 1 saat melintasi Saturnus.
Voyager 1 as it flies by Saturn.
bukan hanya kita dapat mengatakan Voyager 1 melintasi Saturnus.
we can not only just say Voyager 1 flew by Saturn.
bahwa Voyager 1 tidak hanya melintasi Saturnus.
that Voyager 1 doesn't just fly by Saturn.
Anda harus berlari 50 mil melintasi gurun,
used to be you'd run 50 miles across the desert,
baru saja menyelesaikan lari melintasi seluruh Gurun Sahara selama 111 hari.
had finished a 111-day run across the entire Sahara desert.
Melintasi bermil-mil salju yang tidak beraturan --
Crossing miles and miles of sastrugi --
menarik kereta luncur melintasi lapangan sekolah
dragging sleds across the school-yard,
yang melintasi lingkungan kami,
that intersected our neighborhood,
mereka telah melintasi penghalang itu.
they've crossed the barrier of it.
untuk berkomunikasi secara langsung melintasi batas
to communicate instantaneously across frontiers
melintasi seluruh dunia.
right across the world.
telah melintasi negara-negara
has been transferred across nations
yang begitu banyak melintasi Pasifik.
that were traversing the Pacific so widely.
anda dapat melihat sedikit mereka berjalan melintasi jembatan.
you can just barely see them walking across the bridge.
saat melintasi Amazon
as they go over the Amazonas,
terumbu karang melintasi seluruh Bumi
they cut across the entire globe
yang tepat melintasi Manhattan sejauh 2,4 Km.
that runs for a mile and a half right through Manhattan.
yang melintasi 10th Ave.
that ran down 10th Ave.
Saat saya berjalan melintasi Afganistan
When I walked across Afghanistan
Saat saya berjalan melintasi Afganistan,
When I walked across Afghanistan,
untuk bertanya, setelah berlari 1 jam melintasi padang pasir
to ask him, having run for an hour through the desert
dapat bepergian melintasi Helmand,
could travel through Helmand,
Ini adalah sebuah yacht-darat yang sedang berlomba melintasi gurun di Nevada.
This is a land yacht racing across the desert in Nevada.
bersama dengan minat terhadap energi alternatif. Dan sebuah balapan mobil bertenaga surya untuk melintasi Australia.
this passion with alternative energy and raced a solar car across Australia --
hanya mengemudi melintasi Amerika Serikat dan Kanada
just driving around the U.S. and Canada
Jadi mereka melintasi ribuan kilometer
So they're crossing thousands of kilometers
melintasi tikungan tajam,
over a demanding curb --
mereka membawanya dengan tangan melintasi es
they manhandled them across the ice
melintasi daerah tropis menuju California,
shipped across the tropics to California,
yang dibawa melintasi gurun
driven across the desert
berlayar melintasi batas peta mereka,
sailed off the edge of the map,