Indonesian to English
mematuhi | obey something |
mematuhi kendali | comply with controls |
mematuhi peraturan | play the game |
ContohIni tidak akan bertahan. Saya tidak bisa mematuhi status quo ini. "This will not stand. I can't abide this status quo.
jika kamu tidak perlu mematuhi kotak laki-laki ini?" if you didn't have to adhere to this man box?"
Saya maksud, Tiger sebenarnya benar-benar mematuhi model Accenture. I mean, Tiger surely was actually obeying the Accenture model.
ayah selalu mendidik kami untuk mematuhi peraturan dengan ketat. and he always taught us to obey the law very strictly.
namun mereka harus dapat mematuhi aturan. but they have to be able to play by the rules.
Dan tentu saja, jika Anda ingin orang mematuhi aturan And of course, if you want people to play by the rules,