Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
memberontak break loss, rebel
memberontakirebel against, resist


mengapa kita perlu memberontak,
why we need to rebel
strategi yang memberontak,
rebellious strategies --
jika kita memberontak,
if we are rebellious,
pada waktu itu, kami terlalu muda, suka memberontak dan melawan.
we were just too young, rebellious and contrarian at the time.
Dan inilah sebabnya mereka memberontak.
And this is why they revolted.
Jadi orang pasti akan memberontak.
so people would inevitably rebel.
Jadi untuk setiap para aktivis yang memberontak di jalanan Teheran,
So for every digital renegade that is revolting in the streets of Tehran,
yang hanya memberontak di World of Warcraft.
who are actually rebelling only in the World of Warcraft.