Indonesian to English
memotong jalan | cutting through |
aku memotong jalan penyaring penyaringnya i bypassed its filters
dan strathmore telah memotong jalannya and strathmore had bypassed it
memotong jalan gauntlet tidaklah lazim normally bypassing gauntlet was unthinkable
memotong jalan melalui semak belukar cut their way through thickets
memotong jalan penyaring penyaring tersebut decided to bypass the filters
secara fisik memotong jalan masuk physically cut their way in
telah memotong jalan penyaring gauntlet had bypassed gauntlet filters
untuk memotong jalan mereka melalui to cut their way through
yang memotong jalan utama biasanya intersecting a main street usually
yang telah memotong jalan gauntlet bypassed gauntlet