Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
memotong cut, slice
memotong . kecil-kecilpull to bits
memotong . menjadi duacuting in two
memotong . yang tak bergunaprune away
memotong dengan miringout on bias
memotong dengan otogenautogenous fusing
memotong empatquartered
memotong gigi; melumpuhkancutting a tooth
memotong jalancutting through
memotong kecil-kecilgone to bits
memotong menjadi kepinganchoped to pieces
memotong pucuktruncated
memotong putuscut through
memotong rambutbob off
memotong ulir sekerupcut screw
memotong-lintangcut across the grain
memotong-motongchopped up
memotong-motong menjadicut up into
memotong/terputuscutting off
memotongi1 cut s.t. off from. 2 cut many things.


dan terutama memotong subsidi di AS dan Eropa,
and especially cut subsidies in the U.S. and Europe,
saya akan menggergaji, memotong, dan menggosoknya semalaman
I would saw, trim and polish wood all night long
Di sana ada pisau yang akan memotong
There's a blade here that's going to cut across
Dari sana, kita dapat memotong otak itu menjadi bagian-bagian kecil
From this, we're able to then fragment that brain into further pieces,
Lalu laser itu mulai memotong.
And then the laser actually cuts.
dan memotong klitoris saya.
and she held the clitoris, and she cut it off.
kita bisa memotong setengah dari tingkat kematian bayi di lingkungan tersebut.
we can halve infant mortality rates in those environments.
negara industri harus memotong tingkat emisi mereka,
industrialized countries must cut their emissions,
memotong - motongnya, dan pada akhirnya kami mendapatkan
chewed it up, and so we ended up
mereka benar-benar memotong kepala dan kakinya
they actually cut off the head and they cut off the feet
kemudian saya mulai memotong negatifnya dan menggunakan
and then I began cutting out the negatives and using
Saya memotong rambut saya, semakin pendek dan panjang,
I'm cutting my hair, it's getting short and long,
yang memotong satu setengah inci kakinya tanpa antiseptik,
who'd taken about an inch and a half out of her leg with no antiseptic,
Mereka memotong mereka, menggunakan lemaknya untuk memasak selama musim dingin.
And they slaughtered them, used the fat throughout the winter for cooking.
sehingga Anda dapat masuk, memotong, dan merekatkan
that you can go in and cut and paste
memotong penggunaan produk, memotong penggunaan kendaraan,
to slash our product use, slash our transportation use,
memotong penggunaan energi di gedung,
slash our building energy use,
secara langsung, memotong bagian-bagiannya
in real time, cutting sections through them
mereka benar-benar harus memotong tagihan bahan bakar mereka,
they desperately need to cut their fuel bills,
Saya sudah memotong sekuen ini dengan hati-hati
Now I have carefully cropped this sequence
bulunya menyebat batu, dan telah memotong batu tersebut,
its feathers brushes the rock -- and it had cut the rock
Dan ia mengambil pecahan suatu benda, dan memotong sebagian daging dari bagian pahanya sendiri,
And he took a shard of something, and cut a piece of flesh from his thigh,
Saya memotong cerita.
I cut stories.
Saya tidak ingat pernah memotong kertas saat anak-anak.
And I don't remember papercutting as a child.
Saya memilih memotong kertas
I chose papercutting
Jadi dalam kehidupan dan memotong kertas,
So in life and in papercutting,
Inilah maraton memotong kertas selama 3 minggu
Here is a three-week papercutting marathon
dan dalam memotong kertas,
And in papercutting,
Lalu tekniknya, memotong,
So the technique, it's cut,
saya seperti memotong kertas
I'm kind of making papercuttings
20 tahun lalu, para dokter pasti sudah memotong kaki saya dan berharap,
Twenty years ago, doctors would have cut off my leg and hoped,
Dan Anda bisa memotong
And then you can either cut that out
menggunakan pembalut, kita harus memotong anggaran susu keluarga."
using napkins, then we have to cut our family milk budget."
85 mil per jam sambil memotong jalur Anda --
85 miles an hour down, lane-splitting --
Anda melihat kami memotong botol dan panci di tengahnya.
so you see we cut the jars in half as well as the pan.
Kami memotong oven restoran seharga $5000 menjadi dua.
We cut a $5,000 restaurant oven in half.
Seperti pada hamburger, kami hanya memotong pemanggangnya.
Like for the hamburger, we just cut the damn barbecue.
Yang terjadi ketika Anda memotong wajan Anda
What happens when you have your wok cut in half
kami memotong piring baja dan meletakkannya di depan api
we cut it out of a steel plate and put it in front of a fire
? Memotong kerudung ilusi ?
? Cutting through the veil of illusion. ?
Dan karena saya memotong sang perantara
And by me cutting out the middle man
berarti memotong 70 persen pasokan daging.
is cutting 70 percent of your meat intake.
Inilah bagaimana seorang filsuf menjelaskan trik memotong-perempuan-jadi-dua.
Here's how a philosopher explains the sawing-the-lady-in-half trick.
Anda tahu trik memotong-perempuan-jadi-dua?
You know the sawing-the-lady-in-half trick?
Anda tahu, pesulapnya tidak benar-benar memotong perempuan itu jadi dua."
You see, the magician doesn't really saw the lady in half."
di tikungan ini, dan memotong sedikit waktu
in this corner, and shaving a little bit of time
Lalu saya memotong pembicaraannya. Saya bertanya,
So I interrupted him. I said,
Panbanisha sedang mencoba memotong rambut Nyota dengan sebuah gunting.
Panbanisha is trying to give Nyota a haircut with a pair of scissors.
untuk memotong rambut Nyota.
to groom Nyota.
Dia sekarang dapat memotong kulit hewan yang kaku.
He can now cut through tough animal hide.