Indonesian to English
menembak dengan tepat | had the drop on |
menembak dibawah sasaran | undershoot |
menembak jatuh | shoot down |
menembak ke arah | taken a shot at |
menembak kearah | took a shot at |
menembak kepala . sendiri | blow brains out |
menembak mati | pick off |
menembak meleset | undershot |
menembak sembunyi | sniped at |
menembak sembunyi-sembunyi | snipe at |
menembaki | repeatedly fire on s.t. |
menembakkan | 1 shoot with s.t. 2 shoot s.t. out. |
Contohkita akan melihat bahwa neuron yang berbeda itu menembak we'll see that different neurons fire
Dan sel tempatan dalam hipokampus itu akan menembak, menjadi aktif, And place cells in their hippocampi would fire, become active,
suka menembak di antara dinding likes to fire sort of midway between the walls
kemudian sel ini menembak di kedua tempat then the cell fires in both place
menembak kapanpun binatang itu berada it fires whenever the animal gets near
menembak kapanpun ada batas di sebelah selatan, fires whenever there's a boundary to the south,
setiap sel menembak each individual cell fires
dapat membuat sel tempatan menembak. can make the place cells fire.
sel ini menembak seperti kompas tergantung ke mana arah Anda. they fire like a compass according to which way you're facing.
Penjaga perbatasan Korea Utara sering menembak dan membunuh orang-orang North Korean border guards often shoot and kill people
Mereka menembak ke arah tawanan perang secara acak They've taken to just firing into the prison camp at random
Kami memasang kubah dengan kamera, sehingga saat mereka menembak, We put it on a turret with a camera, so that when they shoot at you,
tentara itu mungkin akan menembak mereka then they may end up shooting them
baik, benar, kita menembak orang yang tepat, either, yes, we shot the right person,
Jika kita menembak seseorang yang tidak berbahaya, If we shoot someone who wasn't hostile,
jika ada seseorang yang menembak ke arah mereka where they've got someone shooting at them
maka jika robot itu salah mengambil keputusan dan menembak orang yang salah so that if the robot makes a bad decision and shoots the wrong person,
Anda dapat mulai menembak. you can start shooting at people.
untuk berteriak atau menembak. between shouting and shooting.
dalam situasi di mana sebelumnya mereka harus menembak." in those situations where they would have previously had to shoot someone."
namun juga orang yang menembak diri sendiri di depan polisi. but people who have shot themselves in the presence of police.
alternatif antara berteriak dan menembak. an alternative between shouting and shooting.
mereka tidak akan menembak 2.226 orang they wouldn't have shot 2,226 people
Regu menembak membidik, menembak - The firing squad aimed, fired --
mencoba menembak saya. tried to shoot me.
mengapa dia mencoba menembak saya. why he had tried to shoot me.
Terlepas dari tembak-menembak yang gencar, Despite the heavy gunfire,
menembak, menghujani dgn peluru berkaliber 30-mm firing 30-millimeter cannon shells
kami menembak 40.000 gajah untuk menghentikan kerusakan lahan. we shot 40,000 elephants to try to stop the damage.
Kami akan menembak Anda." We just shot you."
Orang-orang saling menembak di jalanan People were shooting each other on the streets
Kemudian mereka menembak sang walikota. And then they shot him.
yang saling menembak satu sama lain, that are just shooting each other,
Sama seperti Fallujah. Menembak ke segala arah. It's like Fallujah. Shooting everywhere.
dan sang Jenderal menembak kedua kakinya. and the General shot off both his legs.
Anda berkeliaran menembak sesuatu, penuh kekerasan, sangat cepat, where you're going around shooting things, very violent games, very fast,
seorang warga negara saya menembak dan hampir membunuh Sri Paus, a gunman of my nationality nearly killed the Pope,
Pada tahun 1996, dia menembak kepalanya sendiri pada 9 Desember In 1996, he shot himself in the head on December ninth --
Satu wanita menembak wajahnya. Satu wanita menembak suaminya. One woman shoots her face. One woman shoots her husband.