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Indonesian to English
mengobrol see "obrol"
mengobrolirepeatedly, talk about, gossip about
mengobrolkantalk about


ketika mereka mengobrol dekat pendingin air, dan semua hal-hal ini.
when they were talking to their colleague at the water cooler, and all these things.
Seorang juri manusia mengobrol
A human judge has a conversation
namun orang-orang hanya mengobrol dengan dua, tiga, empat --
but fundamentally people chat with two, three, four --
Mereka mengobrol setiap hari, beberapa kali sehari.
They chat to each other every day, a few times a day actually.
Setiap mereka ada waktu mereka saling mengobrol.
Whenever they have a moment they chat to each other.
dan saya baru saja mengobrol dengan Carol:
and I just had a conversation with Carol;
kami mengobrol selama 2 menit di belakang, dan dia bercerita tentang plantar fasciitis.
we talked for two minutes backstage, and she's talking about plantar fasciitis.
setiap hari berkomunikasi, mengobrol bersama.
every day chatting together, talking together.
mengobrol di antara berton-ton sampah ini.
and chatting amongst these tons of garbage.
duduk di meja yang sama, mengobrol satu sama lain tidak saling memahami
all chatting to each other, not understanding a word,