Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
menyobek tear, rip


menyobek dokumen-dokumen sebanyak mungkin
shredded as many of the documents as they could
Anda hanya perlu menyobek dan mengeluarkannya.
You just snap them in half, and you squeeze it out.
lalu menyobek surat suara berisi daftar para calon,
and then remove the candidate list,
lalu anda menyobek kertas suara ini.
and you tear along a perforation.
Anda menyobek bagian berisi daftar para calon.
And you shred the candidate list.
Anda akan menyobek jaring laba-laba itu.
You can't help but actually ripping that spider web apart.
Anda bisa menyobek bagian dalam dindingnya. (Tawa)
you can tear off the inside of the wall. (Laughter)