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Indonesian to English
mereka datang here they come
merekainvent, devise, imagine
datangcome, arrive


Mereka datang dan saya katakan ke mereka
They all came in there, and I told them
dan kemudian Ibu-Ibu mereka datang,
and then their mothers came,
Dan mereka datang kembali dan berkata, "Sebenarnya, hal tersebut akan menjadi lebih mudah."
And they came back and said, "Actually, it'll be easier."
Lalu, apa yang terjadi? Bagaimana kalau mereka datang untuk
Now, what will happen? What if they come to, you know,
namun jika mereka datang dan memberikan kotak.
but suppose they arrive and they give you a box.
Mereka datang untuk tinggal."
They've come to stay."
Mereka datang untuk tinggal?
They've come to stay?
Mereka datang ke tempat kita, dan sering kali orang tua mereka --
They come there, many times their parents --
Yang bisa datang bisa mendaftar. Mereka datang kira-kira setengah jam sebelum kelas.
Whoever can make it signs up. They go in about a half an hour before the class.
adalah mereka datang dan berkata,
is they come in and say,
Dan beliau minta mereka datang pada satu malam
and he asked them to come along one evening,
mereka datang dan menarikan tarian yang baru saja mereka ciptakan
and they came and they were doing this dance they had just made up
mereka datang untuk melihat dia hidup.
they come to see him live.
Mereka datang ke daratan 1,3 milyar tahun lalu,
They came to land 1.3 billion years ago,
karisma mereka datang dari memimpin.
that's where charisma comes from -- from the leading.
dan kemudian mereka datang ke kota, dan
and then they come to the city, and they, on their own,
Mereka datang dengan variasi membingungkan dari banyak jenis.
They come in a bewildering variety of different kinds.
Mereka datang dan menjalani proses ini, proses kami,
And they come in and they go through the process, our process,
Dan para pahlawan ini, mereka datang dari berbagai jenis kehidupan,
And these heroes, they come from every walk of life,
Dan mereka datang ke kota naik kereta api.
And they're coming into the city by rail.
mereka datang karena keuntungan yang ditawarkan kota-kota ini.
that they flocked to because of the advantages they offered.
Saat mereka datang kepada saya,
When they come to me,
Mereka datang dari sekitar, datang dari jauh,
And they had traveled from near, they had traveled from far,
Mereka datang dengan urutan tertentu, di waktu tertentu.
And they come in a certain order, at a certain time.
Dia jawab, “Tidak. Mereka datang karena makanannya lebih baik.”
He said, "No; they do it because the food's better."
ketika mereka datang ke Cina di tahun 2009,
when it came to China in 2009,
Mereka datang dengan ide dan teori mereka sendiri
They come with their own ideas and their own theories,
Mereka datang ke Detroit untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik.
They came to Detroit for a better way of life.
terutama di sebuah kota dimana mereka datang
especially in a city where they came
mungkin mereka datang hanya dengan bermodal kecil
[Maybe they came with very little]
inspirasi utama mereka datang dari jalanan,
their main inspiration comes from the street:
dan mereka datang dengan cepat
and they came back very, very quickly,
Mereka datang dengan label-label yang sangat membatasi ini untuk menjelaskan kita.
They come up with these very restrictive labels to define us.
agar mereka datang dan melaksanakannya.
to come and execute it
Mereka datang pada hari pertama dan melihat orang-orangan sawah itu, dan mereka pergi
They will come the first day and they see the scarecrow, and they go back,
tetapi pada hari kedua, mereka datang dan berkata
but the second day, they'll come and they say,
Dan inilah yang terlihat oleh singa ketika mereka datang di malam hari
And that's how it looks to lions when they come at night.
Setiap minggunya mereka datang ke Durban.
They come on a weekly basis to Durban.
Dan mereka datang ke sini di akhir 1960-an.
And they got here in the late 1960s.
Kini mengenai pencetus ide, mereka datang dari berbagai profesi.
Now idea creators, they come from all walks of life.
Jefferson berkata, "Ketika mereka datang
Jefferson said, "When they come
dan mereka datang ke Amerika Serikat
and they came to the United States
mereka datang dengan konsep
they were coming to us with a concept
Satu persatu, mereka datang dan memesan sandwich Feynman.
One after another, they came in and ordered Feynman sandwiches.
mereka datang ke acara-acara seperti ini.
they come to events like this.
dan mereka datang penuh persiapan
and they come to you fully prepared