Indonesian to English
merekrut | recruit |
merekrut dari | recruited from |
merekrutir | recruit s.o. |
ContohAden merekrut anak jalanan untuk membantu sewa Aden hired street kids to help rent out
cara mereka merekrut the way in which they recruit
Jadi saya putuskan untuk merekrut beberapa teman TED So I've decided to recruit some of my TED friends
Ia merekrut penari yang terbaik dari yang terbaik He went out to recruit the best of the best dancers
untuk merekrut dan memotivasi pembicara generasi berikutnya. to recruit and motivate the next generation of speakers.
yaitu merekrut beberapa ratus orang penulis which was to hire a few hundred writers
Kami merekrut sebuah tim pesaing ilmiah, We've recruited a team of scientific rivals,
yang dapat memberikan resep kepadanya, jadi dia pun merekrut ayah. who could immediately give him the formula, so he recruited him.
Usia 17 tahun, saya merekrut orang-orang dari Cambrige University At the age of 17, I was recruiting people from Cambridge University
Seymour merekrut saya di Caltech pada akhir tahun 1980an. Seymour recruited me to CalTech in the late 1980s.
Mereka naik ke belakang truk itu. Mereka pergi dengan orang yang merekrut mereka. They climb into the back of the truck. They go off with the person who recruits them.
untuk merekrut that they wanted to recruit
Jadilah mereka merekrut Los Zetas: So they recruited Los Zetas:
mereka merekrut geng dan pemain kecil lainnya they recruit gangs and other smaller players
Organisasi-organisasi ini melayani, merekrut, These organizations service, recruit from,