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Indonesian to English
mulut mouth, nozzle
mulut dapurtinggioven-mouth
mulut eliptiselliptical orifice
mulut lubang lumpurmud-nozzle
mulut pembakarburner orifice


Mereka punya senyum kecut di mulut mereka.
They've got that wryly smile on their mouth.
Mulut saya kering --
So I had such dry mouth --
tapi saat itu mulut saya sangat kering.
but I had such, such dry mouth.
saya memasang snorkel di mulut saya,
I put my snorkel in my mouth,
meminum Cialis seperti memakan permen mint penyegar mulut.
they're popping Cialis like breath mints.
di mulut saya dan menunjukkan bahwa
where my mouth is and show you that
dan mulut saya.
and my mouth.
sehingga darah saya keluar dari mulut.
so my blood was gurgling out of my mouth.
Mulut saya berbusa
It foamed,
dan menyaksikan busa keluar dari mulut mereka saat sekarat.
and watched foam come from their mouths as they died.
di dalam rongga suara mulut kita
within the sound chamber of our mouth
Saya berfikir, "Apa efek yang akan dihasilkan sikta di dalam mulut?"
I think, "What will be the effect of the brush in the mouth?"
Dan untuk memahami apa yang akan menjadi efek dari sikat gigi di dalam mulut.
And to understand what will be the effect of the toothbrush in the mouth,
Saya harus membayangkan: Siapa yang memiliki mulut ini?
I must imagine: Who owns this mouth?
Apa yang menjadi hidup dari pemilik mulut ini,? dalam komunitas apakah orang ini tinggal?
What is the life of the owner of this mouth? In what society [does] this guy live?
dari air minum yang masuk ke mulut saya,
of the drinking water that I put in my mouth
yang menghuni jalur pernafasan dan mulut.
that inhabited the nasal passages and mouth.
bahwa mulut dan gigi manusia
that the human mouth and teeth
Dan tiba-tiba hal yang paling menakjubkan mulai keluar dari mulut putri kami.
And suddenly the most amazing things started coming out of our daughters' mouths.
Buka mulut Anda selebar mungkin
Open your mouth as wide as possible
Itulah mulut.
You get a mouth.
Orang di dalam mulut, orang itu terperangkap.
The person inside the mouth, the person is trapped.
Ada mulut di atas pohon, artinya "idiot," (Tawa)
Put a mouth on the top of the tree, that's "idiot." (Laughter)
Ada mulut di dalam pintu, sedang bertanya.
Put a mouth inside the door, asking questions.
Dua wanita bersama, mereka beradu mulut.
Two women together, they have an argument.
Mulut yang mengatakan ke mana harus keluar
A mouth which tells you where to get out
Dan siapapun yang datang menemui saya harus memakai tutup mulut
And anybody who came to see me had to cover themselves in a mask
menyembur keluar dari mulut seorang perempuan
emerge from the mouth of a sleeping girl
untuk memberikan cacing-cacing di mulut kecil mereka yang terbuka
to drop worms in their little open mouths
ke mulut-mulut kecil itu.
into those little open mouths.
Jadi anda bisa mendapati murid-murid saling beradu mulut satu sama lain,
So you get people arguing against each other,
Pelayan: Apa Anda ingin memesan makanan pencuci mulut, Pak?
Server: Would you like any desserts, sir?
menuju ke mulut dari anak-anak di seluruh dunia.
and into the mouths of children around the world.
dan dapat memasukkannya ke dalam mulut tanpa menghancurkannya,
they'll be able to put it in their mouth without destroying either one,
dan se-bantat apapun itu, itu keluar dari mulut saya,
that as dumpy as I am, it's coming from me,
Saya masih membuka mulut hingga sekarang.
I'm still breaking the silence today.
dan lebih mudah diubah menjadi bubur di dalam mulut
and to turn completely into mush in your mouth,
Lalu dia dengan semangat melihat ke dalam mulut ibunya.
Then he peers eagerly into his mother's mouth.
Dan mereka menyemprotkan air ke dalam mulut.
And they squirt the water into their mouths.
Loker dibiarkan terbuka seperti mulut para remaja pria
Lockers left open like teenage boys' mouths
sehingga apabila mereka menutup mulut ke dalam,
that if they closed inside the mouth of the fish,
biasanya pada wajah atau di dalam mulut
usually on the face or inside the mouth
kita suka makanan yang terasa garing di mulut.
we love crunchiness, mouthfeel.
Mikroba di dalam mulut Anda dapat menyegarkan nafas Anda
The microbes in your mouth can freshen your breath,
Apakah mulut anda berbau tidak enak sementara anda menjawab interogasi ini sekarang?
Does your breath smell bad while you're answering my interrogation right now?
Bayi tidak keluar dari mulut.
Babies actually don't come out of your mouth.
Dan saya tidak -- mengatakan langit2 mulut saya sebagai langit mulut seorang philistine --
And I don't -- call my palate a philistine palate --
yang keluar dari mulut kita.
emanating from our mouths.
mereka mungkin punya kontrol motor halus di mulut mereka - entah.
is that they may have had fine motor control of their mouths -- who knows.
Tanpa mulut, tanpa usus, tanpa sistem pencernaan.
No mouth, no gut, no digestive system.