Indonesian to English
nabi palsu | false prophet |
nabi | propher |
palsu | false, counterfeit |
banyak nabi nabi palsu yang many false prophets
dan nabi nabi palsu akan and false prophets will
dan nabi palsu itu dan and false prophet were and
kristus yaitu nabi nabi palsu christ false
nabi nabi palsu akan muncul false prophets will arise
nabi nabi palsu yang datang false prophets who come
nabi nabi palsu yang telah false prophets have
nabi palsu itu dan mereka false prophet were and they
sebab banyak nabi nabi palsu for many false prophets
telah memperlakukan nabi nabi palsu did to the false prophets
waspadalah terhadap nabi nabi palsu beware of false prophets