Indonesian to English
pasti tidak | not on your life |
pasti | certain, definite, sure |
tidak | no, no [not at all ]., not [{to negate verb, ective or adverb} ]. 4. prefix un- not [{used to make the negative} ]. |
ContohAnda sudah pasti tidak ingin makan ikan yang berkembang di sana Then you sure won't want to eat fish that were raised in it,
Sudah pasti tidak ada pesawat yang terbang di ketinggian 100.000 kaki. Certainly at 100,000 feet no aircraft will fly.
Satu lagi tentang kawanan ini: mereka pasti tidak materialistis. Another thing that has to be true about this pack: this pack cannot be really materialistic.
tetapi sudah pasti tidak cocok untuk sehari-hari. but definitely not ideal for everyday wear.
sehingga sudah pasti tidak akan disetujui oleh Martha Stewart. that Martha Stewart would definitely never have approved.
Sudah pasti tidak baik bagi kepolisian. Certainly not good for the police department.
dan ibu saya sudah pasti tidak mendukung gagasan itu. and my mum certainly wasn't very keen on the idea.
sebelumnya. Sudah pasti tidak ada banyak seruan bagi para petualang. than they have ever been. There certainly isn't much call
Anda pasti tidak punya pikiran." You must be out of your mind."
setidaknya saya mengakui saya mencontek; sebagian besar dari anda pasti tidak. At least I can admit I cheated in university; most of you won't.
Kalau wahana di taman hiburan berkarat dan rusak, Anda pasti tidak mau menaikinya. If that amusement park were rusty and falling apart, you'd never go on the ride.
karena saya sudah pasti tidak 100 persen heteroseksual. because I certainly wasn't 100 percent straight.
jadi itu pasti tidak benar. So it can't be true."
Sudah pasti tidak ada solusi keamanan instan. There's certainly no quick security fix.
Sudah pasti tidak ada penghalang teknis dan ekonomi. There's certainly no technical or economic barrier in the way.
Sampah sudah pasti tidak semahal minyak bumi It certainly doesn't cost as much as oil,
sudah pasti tidak banyak orang lain obviously not many other people
Mereka pasti tidak perlu berbicara pada para seniman origami. They certainly didn't need to talk to origami artists.
"Aduh, rekan kerja saya melihat saya tertawa. Saya pasti tidak cukup banyak bekerja," "Oh, my colleagues see me laughing. I must not have enough work,"