Indonesian to English
pelat | 1 metal sheet. 2 license plate. 3 (Coll.) phonograph record. /pe`lat/ 1 speech defect. 2 speak with an accent. |
pelat aki | accumulator plate |
pelat alas | bed plate |
pelat alas-ketel | boiler endplate |
pelat angker | amature lamination |
pelat asbes | asbestos sheet |
pelat atur arus | baffle plate baffler |
pelat atur lurus | baffle plate baffer |
pelat baja | steel sheet |
pelat baja hitam | black steel plate |
pelat balik | spring-bracket |
pelat batangan timah | tin-plate bar |
pelat belakang | back plate |
pelat berlubang-lubang | perforated plate |
pelat berombak | bulb-plate |
pelat beton | concrete-slab |
pelat bubungan | cam-plate |
pelat canai | rolled plate |
pelat dasar | base plate |
pelat datar | glazer |
pelat dinding | wall-plate |
Contohmerancang pelat saklar dari kuningan yang berkilau designing the burnished brass switchplates
Lalu di tahun 1930-an, dengan munculnya pelat kaca, Then in about the 1930s, with the advent of plate glass,
Sandaran di dekat pelat, bagi pengendara This little relief on the footplate, by the way, to a rider
Karena asamnya akan merusak pelat emas." The acid will ruin the gold plating.
-- Michael membongkar pelat sinar X -- Michael hacked off the X-ray plate