Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
pelet k.o. magic whereby a person is made to fall in love.
peletak-peletikmake high-pitched knocking noise.
peletak-peletokmake a knocking noise.
peletakkanlaying down of


lalu dia bilang pelet ayam.
and then he said chicken pellets.
Tanya saya, “Pelet ayam?”
I said, "Chicken pellets?"
Juga untuk membakukan pelet,
Also, to standardize the pellets,
dan membawa pelet kotoran kering bersamanya.
and it's actually taking a pellet of dry dung with it.
di tumpukan pelet kotoran.
at a pile of dry dung pellets.
Tetangganya mencuri satu pelet kotorannya.
And his neighbor steals one of his dung pellets.