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pemerintah pusat central government
pusatnavel, center, main


karena pemerintah pusat Cina ingin tetap menjaga pencitraan
because the Chinese central government wants to keep a myth:
naik kereta ke Beijing untuk mengajukan permohonan petisi ke pemerintah pusat,
want to take the train to Beijing to petition to the central government,
kritik terjadi dalam lima hari, tapi mengapa pemerintah pusat Cina
criticisms in five days, but why the Chinese central government
maka pemerintah pusat ingin menyingkirkannya,
so the central government wanted to purge him,
Sederhana sekali, karena pemerintah pusat Cina
It's very simple, because Chinese central government
justru pemerintah pusat Cina menggunakan
and also the Chinese central government utilized this