Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
persis exactly, precisely
persis sepertiall the world like
persis seperti yangjust what the
persis seukuran dengankujust about my size
persis seukuran denganmujust about your size
persis seukuran dengannyajust about his size


memiliki lokasi struktural yang sama persis dengan setiap orang lain.
has exactly the same structural location as every other person.
dan melihat hal yang sama persis.
and see the exact same thing.
Persis seperti sekarang.
Just like today.
persis seperti saya dan ibu saya dulu,
like with me and my mom,
Kami akan melakukan persis seperti yang ada sebelumnya.
We're going to do exactly what we outlined in the previous slide.
Saint Augustine memberikan pernyataan yang sama persis.
Saint Augustine made exactly the same point.
dan setelah itu saya buat mereka mengimprovisasi dengan kord yang persis sama.
and then we had them improvise to the same exact chord changes.
tahu persis apa yang terjadi,
knew exactly what had happened,
Struktur yang nyaris sama persis.
An almost identical structure.
impian saya tidak terlihat persis seperti yang saya bayangkan keitka saya masih kecil.
my dreams don't look exactly like I thought they would when I was a little girl.
Karena tentu saja, waktu kami pergi, orang yang tinggal persis di tepi proyek
Because of course, when we left, the people who were just at the edge of the project
"Saudara lelakiku tidak pernah dapat sebuah kartupun. Dan aku tahu persis kenapa.
"My brother's never gotten a card, and I know exactly why.
dan alam semesta lahir persis
and the universe was born at a precise moment
persis seperti virus. Cara virus bekerja adalah --
much like a virus. The way a virus works is --
persis seperti semula.
back together exactly as it was before.
ketika kami membaca kode genetiknya, sama persis dengan apa yang telah kami masukkan.
when we read the genetic code, it's exactly what we had transferred in.
Kami tahu persis bagaimana kode genetik mereka nantinya.
we know exactly what their genetic code looks like.
50 mil di utara Seville, persis di perbatasan Portugal.
50 miles north of Seville, right on the Portugal border.
dan persis di belakangnya kami mengatur sebuah ruang.
and then right behind it we set up this space,
Anda bisa melihat semuanya: persis seperti toserba 7-11.
So you see everything: it's exactly as a 7-Eleven would be.
melihat filantropi persis seperti ini.
had come to see philanthropy just this way.
kita melihat hal yang sama persis.
you see exactly the same kind of thing.
namun tidak sama persis, karena benda itu disumbangkan.
except not quite, because it's actually donated.
sehingga persis sama dengan durasi kedipan mata manusia,
to be exactly the duration of a human eye blink,
memiliki ukuran yang persis sama. Diameter bumi
are exactly the same size. Earth's diameter
sebetulnya melakukan permainan yang persis sama,
were actually given the very same activity,
kalau saya sudah kerjakan persis yang diminta?"
I did it just like she said?"
persis apa yang kita lakukan selama dua juta tahun.
exactly what all of us had done for two million years,
berjalan di arah yang persis berlawanan,
went in exactly the opposite direction,
kami menjaga sesi itu persis sama seperti biasanya,
we kept the session exactly the way it used to be,
Anda tahu persis apa yang Anda mau lakukan dari satu momen ke momen yang lain,
you know exactly what you want to do from one moment to the other;
warna biru persis seperti ini,
of exactly this blue color, (Laughter)
saya berikan yang persis sama ke seseorang
I gave exactly the same pair to someone
Mobil-mobil itu tahu persis di mana mereka berada
They can have a precise idea of where they are,
tetapi Anda mungkin mencapai efek yang persis sama
but you'll probably achieve exactly that same effect
hampir sama persis dengan apa yang akan Anda dapatkan di sekolah.
almost exactly the same as what you would get in a school.
Otak Anda bekerja dengan cara yang persis sama,
Your brain works exactly the same way,
otak Anda merespon dengan cara yang persis sama.
your brain's response is exactly the same.
dengan dialog yang sama persis.
ran exactly the same dialogues.
sama persis dengan cahaya yang mengenai punggung cumi-cuminya,
exactly matches how much light hits the squid's back,
pada malam hari, persis saat cumi-cuminya menginginkannya.
at night, exactly when the squid wants it.
bahwa semua bakteri memiliki enzim yang persis sama
is that every bacterium has exactly the same enzyme
dan membuat molekul yang persis sama.
and makes exactly the same molecule.
tapi logikanya sama persis.
but the logic is exactly the same.
Ini persis dengan apa yang terjadi di tubuh Anda.
This is exactly what happens in your body.
Isinya sama persis. Anda bisa lihat bahwa
It's the same content. One, you can see exactly
persis satu bulan setelah akses ke Twitter.com secara resmi ditutup.
was exactly one month after the official blocking of Twitter.com.
berjajar hampir persis
lined up almost precisely
Sama persis seperti perusahaan lain pada umumnya
It's a lot like other consumer companies.
Persis seperti yang kamu pikirkan, saya menghabiskan banyak waktu saat melewati keamanan bandara
As you can imagine, I spent a lot of time at airport security.